Swordburst 2 floor 1. It is believed that each of …
Overview [].
Swordburst 2 floor 1 Frenzy Boar is a mob found in the Virhst Woodlands. It is the fifth floor of the game. So, let's dive into what makes Floor 1 so special, and how to make the most of it. Bear is the first mob to have two attack animations. It has an 11% critical chance and deals 210 damage. If you need 200 exp quick, grind the Shady Villagers. This mini-boss spawns every 45 Additionally, the Hippogriff's HP was nerfed significantly in with the re-revamp of Floor 8 on July 28th 2022, from 375,000 to 275,000, whereas the main boss' HP was reduced from 400,000 to 375,000. Access to this floor is granted to players upon defeating the Floor 8 boss, Formaug the Jungle Giant. Hope this helps, enjoy. The OMLs (Old Max Legendaries) are the unofficial currency of Swordburst 2. com/games/659222129/Swordburst-2?refPageId=9868a1c0-b3f8-4633-aa24-86ad89701301Swordburst 2 Grouphttps://www. They have a 100% chance to drop Common Upgrade Crystal, a 50% chance to drop Rare Upgrade Crystal, a 20% chance to drop Legendary Upgrade Crystal or Upgrade Protection Scroll, a 0. It grants a +6% health regeneration and +6% Stamina Regeneration buff to its wearer. It has a 1. If any confirmation of new floors are made, it Watch as Deltaclimber shows you, with a new character, how to get through floor 1 quickly and LEGIT! Notice the tips and tricks he uses to master floor 1 in Today i made a drop guide on floor 1. They have been buffed to deal 25% of the player's total health. As of Version 91, the Throne room has been re-scaled by both sides having huge gaps. Desert Ruins Oasis Valley Scorpion's Dwelling Barren Cave Centaurian Province Silver Stream is a Legendary level 38 longsword, dropped by Ra'thae the Ice King in the Avalanche Expanse. gg/g6UsRyaTwitter: @64m360Hope you enj 3-The floor eight boss room. Other players can see the increased hit-rate, however. The Burst Mode orange swing effects are client-sided, meaning that only you can see them. ; The music of Snowflake Gorge and Swordburst 2/map. These songs are royalty free. It has a 3% chance to drop the Andalusite Blade, Vengeance Scaled Wraps, Balanced Regen Necklace or a 1% chance to drop Ancient Lapis Eclipse. Official Soundtrack from SWORDBURST IICreated by: AbstractAlex Overview []. 3 hits per second to 3. 5% chance to drop Ruin Blade and Lumiere. It is a town/marketplace, consisting of three shops and a forging area. In order, they use his songs Touch the Sky, Insidia and Megaboss. Upgrades (see Upgrade Crystal) for Today guys I will be showing you this secret room that drops Rare LOOT Help me reach my goal to 10k subs (face cam will start when this goal is reached)https These videos are YouTube-verified videos for the floors stated within each category. me/Toxiclowf All Afk Spots on Every FLOOR Swordburst 2 Guide. Very good way of making, some quick exp. It has 2,500 HP and spawns every 45 seconds. Arcadia is the 1st Floor in the game. I have nothing else to say, so bai. Silver Stream is the only legendary weapon in Floor 3 Borik's Mask is a Rare level 24 accessory dropped from Borik the BeeKeeper in Redveil Grove. It is currently the only mask dropped by a boss. It is a picturesque plateau, featuring many trees, stone ruins and huge flora. Trivia []. . me/Toxiclowfive?country. Swordburst 2- Floor 1 Accessory Guide. Recommended for players of level 95+. Here's the floor 2 boss location! Lazarus is a Rare level 35 rapier, dropped from Ra'thae the Ice King in Avalanche Expanse. Blooming Plateau is the 8th floor in the game. It has an 11% critical chance and deals 285 damage. The drop rate for this item is 0. 083% chance to drop Sakura Paradise Overview []. x=en_USHey! Hope you enjoyed! Swordburst 3 OFFICIAL server: https://disco Trivia []. (Except DragonFang Scythe & Magma Infuser) Legendary weapons of floor 10 & 11. It is an inhabited floor, consisting of 7 sub-areas. free-stock-music. The drop rate for this item is 4%. The portal has now been re-positioned and is placed on a gate Heya guys. Credit to EpicFishBowl and the Sb2 team for an amazing update. When upgraded to +20, it does 570 damage. 003% from normal mobs. 5EPM. It was called floor 12. SwordBurst 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Like and subscribe - giveaway at 100 subs!Discord: https://discord. (Other Floors/Actual Videos will be provided later) Events locations are not included due to them being limited maps, therefore they can not be used in the future, however rotating floors do not count to It is the second last floor in Swordburst 2 till now. Please Like if it helped you in anyway! healthbar simulatori skipped arcadia but im not re-rendering you know what it looks like0:19 Virhst Woodlands3:25 Battle Arena3:52 Redveil Grove6:19 Avalance Here I show you the best sets that can be dropped from each floor. 0 hit-rate net increase total. x=BB&locale. Any false details, leaks, or irrelevant pages within this category would be removed. Rekindled Unborn is the global boss in Helmfirth. It has a 2% chance to drop Spirit of Suma and a 4% chance to drop Brass Heavyweight. If you get Treat, the chance of receiving an item is (The first probability is for the item itself, while the second is the Hidden Wilds is the 4th floor of Swordburst 2. comFeel free to pause the video at any time!Items and the time -Blade of Grass 0:05Skyprinc The Wolf's Domain is the area of the Floor 1 mini-boss, the Dire Wolf. After the release of the second The newest and highest rarity in the game, Burst items are the strongest items in the game, unlike most items however, you cannot trade Burst items. After an extended leave of absence, Deltaclimber came back to SwordBurst 2 and found a NEW FLOOR awaiting. Rotling Location Looping Rank: Medium - High Circle the Rotling, while using a weapon to deal damage. com Feel free to donate :3 :Paypal: https://paypal. 5% chance to drop , Rigormortis, Ravenmourne and has a 0. Used to be from Desolute Dunes, Entoloma Gloomlands, Blooming Plateau and Va' Rok, but now are only accepted from Floor 9. To get to Frogazoid from spawn you must continue to walk forward until you eventually reach a Overview []. This floor was first released on the 4th of July, 2020, making it the most recent floor map to be released at the time. com/g Xilphas is Legendary level 275 katana, dropped by Radioactive Experiment in Sector-235. While battling the boss of floor 12. This is a smaller version of one of the Ruined Kobold Lord's swords. This is the strongest uncommon drop from Floor 1. This excludes: Chaos Platemail; Demon Shield; Fire Seeker Shield; Magma Infuser; DragonFang Scythe; Trivia []. When broken it may drop Common Upgrade Crystal at a 8% chance, Uncommon Upgrade Crystal at a 4% chance and Upgrade Protection SwordBurst 2 Wiki 1,376. It appears to be a giant restaurant with food-like mobs. There Overview []. When upgraded to +15, it does 105 damage. It is located by travelling across the islands in the water from the beach near spawn. In this video i show you how to get to the boss on floor 1 in roblox swordburst 2 ( sb2 ). Watch as he gives you a tour of this new floor an Play Swordburst 2https://www. It appears to be a small, blossoming cherry tree forest with two mobs, Eternal Blossom Knight and Ancient Blossom Knight, one mini-boss, Tworz, The Ancient Tree, and one main boss, Azeis, Spirit of the Blossom. SwordBurst 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. At the spawn there are 2 ways to go: Turn left and it will lead down the cold storage Overview []. On April 21, 2024, The Final Gift was released and can be crafted at the forge. I walk past the "Frenzy Boar" Mob NPCs and the Wolves and The Virhst Woodlands were released in Early Access and are the first floor in Swordburst 2. Small Candy Bag is a Uncommon material dropped in Spooky Hollow or All Floors With Mobs. It appears to be in a hellish land with ruined buildings, with various creatures similar to demons and monsters in How to kill the Dire Wolf Swordburst 2 Tutorial and GuideToday I'll show you how to get to the dire wolf (miniboss on floor 1) in swordburst 2 on roblox! Hop Overview []. (AFK) 2-The Entoloma Gloomlands boss room with hypothetically 990EPM and realistically 907. Overview []. When defeated, the player will obtain 100 Experience and 45-60 Vel. However, there may come a time when no one is around to help you with old Za Va' Rok is the 9th floor in Swordburst 2. View Mobile Site Hey guys! Today I'll be showing you how to get the boss on Virhst Woodlands (floor 1) in Swordburst 2!Discord: discord. Make sure to Like and Subscribe on this channel! Entoloma Gloomlands is the 7th floor in Swordburst 2. Floor 1: Virhst Woodlands. People used to consider Armor as part of OMLs This video is dedicated to all the bosses that have killed me in the past in swordburst 2. Keyword Rahjin the Thief King is the boss of the Virhst Woodlands. Once you open the candy bag, the chance of getting Treat is 65%, while Trick has a 35% chance. In order to successfully speedrun Floor 1 Dungeon, you need to meet at least one of these requirements. In this area, the player spawns in the Divine Garden, overlooking a large body of water. Only 2 simple ways getting tons of exp grind mini-boss and boss. This floor is unlocked from the beginning of the game alongside Virhst Woodlands and Battle Arena. map. It has a desert/canyon theme. com/users/217500349/profileRoblox Group:htt Hi there today i have a video with a guide of how to get to the boss dungeon and kill him easily in swordburst 2 on floor 1! ENJOY!And dont forget to sub for All That by Bensound | https://www. 5% chance to drop Eterna or Salvaje. They have 3,500 HP and spawn every 1 minute and 30 seconds. This is the max bonus Burst Mode provides at a 1. When upgraded to +10, it does 11 damage. 0. Floor 1 of the Swordburst 2 Map is the gateway to the Overview []. 5%. Generally speaking, rarities also indicate the "Max level" of a floor, such as the legendary drops on floor 9 indicating that level 85 was the max level at the time of floor 9's release. Blade of Grass is an Common level 3 longsword dropped by Wolves in the Virhst Woodlands. This is for those who use only Greatsword. After a few minutes of the update, they In Swordburst 2, there are 5 different main weapon types — longswords, greatswords, rapiers, katanas and spears. Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; Community; Legendary weapons of floor 9. The first revamp of Floor 1 (1/18/20), relocated the Dire Wolf and Wolves' Domain to the left side of the map from spawn. After wave 10 is defeated and Sa'jun is killed, Infinity Slash, a limited skill for dual longswords, is given to all players within the server. The health glitch is very unknown and little users know how to attempt it. Tribute Level Crit Damage Type Ashfall: 125 36% 2,500 Scythe (Greatsword) Blooming Plateau Deltaclimber knows that Za is a very busy mini boss on Floor 11 of SwordBurst 2. gg/prMvxVAaFyRoblox Profile:https://web. If you want 725 exp in less time, grind mini Overview []. This floor is accessible to players from the beginning of the game and is where they first spawn. The Miniboss Arena contains three minibosses - Ra, Da, and Ka. com/watch?v=gGmDT-WoRfQ&t=1sSpeed Glitch: Feel free to donate :3 :Paypal: https://paypal. 5, Deltaclimber and the extreme boss killing crew receive a very important visitor. This was undone in the second revamp and they were put back on an island found off of the coast of the Enjoy. 00:00 Floor 1 Rahjin the Thief King00:09 floor 2 Borik the BeeKeepe The axe traps have been re-added in the second remaster of Floor 1. Like in other events, all mobs deal and receive a set amount of damage, requiring a certain number of hits to be killed and Official Soundtrack from SWORDBURST IICreated by: AbstractAlex The following next 5 hits will increase the Hit-rate from 2. Thank you so much for nearly 200 views on my xp guide! If you enjoyed the vid like and subscribe!Make sure t Hypersiddia is the 11th floor of Swordburst 2. The Catacombs are an area accessible from the Virhst Woodlands, part of the Roblox Powers event. com/wiki/SwordBurst_2_Wiki:Home=====Canal do loxmichan: https://youtube. The Wooden Chest is a chest found from Virhst Woodlands until Desolate Dunes. Eternal Garden is a rotating mini-floor (neither floor 12 nor floor 13) of Swordburst 2. Players can get to this floor by defeating the boss Grim the Overseer in Transylvania. This floor might be released in 2025 and could be the last floor of the game. It is believed that each of Overview []. In addition, it grants the user a +4% health regeneration and Sb2 Floor 1 Item GuideInformation Sourced from Swordburst2. Level 8+ (You can go below this but it's riskier) Swordburst 2 Speed Glitch-0. In SB2, you explore a vast world, defeating enemies and collecting rare gear to defeat bosses which unlock the next floor and so on. Paradise Cove Ivory Wilds The Ever Reaching Tropics Rotted Ruins Rotted Guardhouse Catacombs Lion's Throne Room In order to unlock this floor, you must beat Ra'thae the Ice King in Overview []. It has an 18% critical chance and deals 66 damage. Health Glitch. It has a 12% critical chance and deals 8 damage. When defeated, it grants the player with 10,000 Experience and 50,000-100,000 Vel. When upgraded to +20, it does 18,104 damage. They have a 0. ) 1, 4, 8: Gift of Riches: Spend 1 Million Vel on a merchant. To successfully lure only one miniboss to fight, The floors that have the ? symbols are Virhst Woodlands, Avalanche Expanse, Hidden Wilds, Desolate Dunes, Helmfirth, Entoloma Gloomlands, Blooming Plateau, Va' Rok, Transylvania and Hypersiddia. We will be visiting most of the new areas as well a About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright The drop rate for this item is 2% Trivia [] The guard of this sword resembles the logo of the game Assassin's Creed. Thank you so much for nearly 200 views on my xp guide! If you enjoyed the vid like and subscribe!Make sure t As the name of the floor suggests, it is a mushroom-themed floor, and when you start from the sponge shop, you will see jellyfish-like mushroom monsters first. So i'm actually gonna upload Sunday (because it's a good schedule in my opinion) so yeah. When upgraded to +15, it does 336 damage. fandom. If you go all the way forward, you will find the entrance to the dungeon. The drop rate for this item is 1. 5. This is the first mob that can be summoned with an item. It has 200 HP and spawns every 30 seconds. The music for Arcadia, the dungeon theme of Floor 1 and the main theme for Floor 3 were made by Aaron Krogh. Today i made a drop guide on floor 1. This video is a remake on how to get to the boss room from the spawn, and it is in a little better video quality. The main menu theme uses the song Retro Future Nights by TexnoAXE, a royalty free composer. (づ。 ‿‿ 。)づ 𝙊𝙋𝙀𝙉 𝙈𝙀 と( This is the first part of best grinding spots for floor 7 in swordburst 2. It has 4% chance to drop Light Greatsword or Light Ya boy KodakStan hooking you up with another helpful leveling guide in a different game! In this video I'll be showing you all the best and effective farming Heya Lice Squad. 125% chance to drop Sakura's Demise, Sakura's Embrace or Lord's Warcry, a 0. 1 hits per second. Overview: [] The Polyserpant is one of the two mini-bosses of Va' Rok. Explore. It has a 12% critical chance and does 9,052 damage. This mini-boss has 90,000 health split up into three health bars. Floor 13 is an upcoming floor in Swordburst 2. opa🍷🗿SB2 WIKI: https://swordburst2. Map []. It has an 15% critical chance and does 9,052 damage. comMusic promoted by https://www. When defeated, the player will obtain 4 Experience and 1 - 5 Vel. The Kobold Quarter is an area in the Decaying Maze at Virhst Woodlands. When defeated, it grants the player with 0. 2% chance to drop Purple Crafter’s Outfit or Ruin Blade is a Rare level 15 greatsword, dropped by the Ruined Kobold Lord in the Virhst Woodlands. bensound. 125% chance to drop Magma Infuser or Fire Seeker Shield. (By the time you may be reading this it is patched or an article The Dementor is the mob of Shadow Shard. Pretty short. 1, 6, 10: Instead, it will be included as a permanent secret in Swordburst 2 at a later date. Category. When defeated, the player will obtain 500 Experience and 300 - 600 Vel. (Locations below. The throne's position has been escalated. Swordburst 2 floor 1 remodel is now out. youtube. To reach this area, read the 'Hypersiddia' section of the 'Locations' page. pages. 5 by most people. In this video, I show you what items are on Floor 1, Arcadia. Virhst Woodlands contains four main areas: These are the main, and official, floors of Swordburst 2. x=en_USHey! Hope you enjoyed! Swordburst 3 OFFICIAL server: https://disco Sb2 Floor 1 Mini Boss Hey guys shiba here, today were showcasing all the drops for floor 1, i will do the other floors aswell later on! omg no way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glutton's Lair is a rotating mini-floor (neither floor 12 nor Floor 13) of Swordburst 2. Nothing much to say about grinding in this floor. Watch and hear as Deltaclimber explai Azeis, Spirit of the Blossom is the main boss found in the mini-floor Eternal Garden. It has a 1. 1. It is the boss room of Rahjin the Thief King, also containing three Ruin Kobold Knights guarding him. This weapon required crafting in order to use it in the previous game. 003% from Iron and Gold Chests. STARTING SET: Equipped: Iron Greatsword Novice Armor (Black) The set is obtained by entering SwordBurst Blood's Influence is a Legendary level 275 longsword that is dropped from C-618 Uriotol, The Forgotten Hunter in Sector-235. When defeated, it grants the player with 80,000 Experience and 15,000-20,000 Vel. The only thing known about this floor is that it was confirmed days after the release of Floor 12 after Watch as Deltaclimber shows you, with a new character, how to get through floor 1 quickly and LEGIT! Notice the tips and tricks he uses to master floor 1 in Feel free to donate :3 :Paypal: https://paypal. Last Modified: 2025-01-28 03:42:46. The song used in the Decaying Maze is Insidia by Aaron Krogh. The Dungeon Release was later added on Swordburst 2 (SB2) is an original multiplayer RPG on Roblox, partially inspired by the anime 'Sword Art Online' (SAO), and is the sequel to Swordburst Online (SBO). It has 28,000 HP and spawns every 45 seconds. 2. The drop rate for this item is 3% Lazarus is one of the first Bear is an enemy found in the Virhst Woodlands. Upon its original intended release, the Ruined Kobold Lord did The Rotling is the mini-boss of the Hidden Wilds. It has 50 HP and spawns every 15 seconds. The Frogazoid is the mini-boss of the Entoloma Gloomlands. 007% from Frogazoid mini-boss. Surrounding the spawn location are Giant Praying Mantises, Thumbnail belongs to : EpicFishBowlDescriptionI extend it with no sound loop error. When defeated, the player will obtain 170 Experience and 75 - 105 Vel and may drop Gear Axe, Advocate, Ruined Kobold Lord is a mini-boss found in the Virhst Woodlands. The types of mobs are normal, mini-boss, and boss, with the subcategory being event mobs. This sword is often used to gather mass amounts of uncommon upgrade crystals due to the large swarms of Ruin Knights that spawn within the Decaying Maze. It has a 3% chance to drop Frenzy and a 1. SubscribeGlitch Through Walls : https://www. This is the forest-themed floor and is the first playable floor. As you go on, In Swordburst 2 there are 3 types of mobs with 1 subcategory of mobs. When defeated, the player will obtain 16 Experience and 1 - 21 Vel. It has a 3% drop chance from all the mobs in the game. Blade of Grass is a returning item from Swordburst Online. The player must Desolate Dunes was released in Version 40. In Overview []. roblox. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Miniboss Arena is an area in Hypersiddia. #roblox #swordburst2 #sb2 All Floors: Gift of Mimics: Mimic drop (0. 1%). 04% Experience and 80,000-200,000 Vel. I also show you how dismantling and upgrading work in Swordburst 2. It is an inhabited floor, consisting of 6 different sub-areas. (Also a side note about Sb2 Floor 1 Mini Boss From valuable items to powerful monsters, there's something for everyone on Floor 1. Roblox/Games/Sub Documents; Namuwiki Roblox Project Parent article:SwordBurst 2. It came after, and replaced Eternal Garden as Floor 12. The best experience farms are: 1-The Hidden Wilds boss room with hypothetically 1156EPM and realistically 794EPM. 25%. The drop chance of this item is 3%. They have a 1% chance to drop Shadow Step. It is unlocked after defeating Smashroom the Mushroom Behemoth in Entoloma Gloomlands. jzaavusczjpwaogfxmpejhtnnbolbvrfruihsjvdziuutjdrcudabovnmweifuomltmyyg