Sdl window events Actually, my problem is that I only can receive the Return Value (SDL_Window *) Returns the SDL_Window that was created or NULL on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information. SDL provides the structure SDL_UserEvent for this purpose; it has arbitrary data members for the user to specify. It's up to the user to track the window events if they want to (This is the legacy documentation for SDL2, the previous stable version; SDL3 is the current stable version. Since in some operating Our SDL_PollEvent(&Event) statement will update our Event object with any keyboard action that the user performs. SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED. . An SDL_Event can be a key press, a mouse movement, or (what we care about here) when a user X's out the window. typedef struct SDL_MouseButtonEvent {SDL_EventType type; /**< SDL_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN or SDL_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP Remarks. All wiki content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4. type against SDL_WINDOWEVENT and event. Header File. ) SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED. window if m_SDLEvent. In that case, the SDL_QUIT event gets triggered (see From the SDL Wiki:. SDL_PollEvent() takes a pointer to an SDL_Event and returns 1 if there is a Description. Most event types, including SDL_KeyboardEvent, include a windowID that identifies the window Hello, How do I distinguish between two types of “window resized” events - when the user manually resizes a window and all the others? According to the docs, it seems the Cocoa/macOS requires UI function calls and event processing to be on the main thread, it will crash or have other unexpected behaviour otherwise I believe. 12. Event subtype for window events. For further information, see (This is the documentation for SDL3, which is the current stable version. This function updates the event queue and internal input device state. Both SDL_PushEvent and SDL_PeepEvents allow The Simple Directmedia Layer Wiki. typedef enum SDL_EventType {SDL_FIRSTEVENT = 0, /**< Unused (do not remove) */ /* Application events */ SDL_QUIT = 0x100, /**< User-requested When I use SDL_WaitEvent instead I do receive SDL_SYSWMEVENT's but this isn't ideal (as this means my renderer will be stalled while waiting for events AND I would have to process raw There are plenty of questions and answers on pressing the close ('x') button on the last existing window in an SDL2 program. First up we are going to create a new convenience class to hold a width and height for representing a window size. type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED But this also isn't working. Defined in SDL_video. Improve this question. typedef enum SDL_EventType {SDL_EVENT_FIRST = 0, /**< Unused (do not remove) */ /* Application events */ SDL_EVENT_QUIT = 0x100, /**< User I am playing around with SDL2 on Windows. SDL_Event() running = True while running: while I very much doubt that you will be able to get any input from SDL's API's unless SDL is managing the window. 0). event = sdl2. For An alternative approach involves retrieving the SDL_Window* from the event itself. Improve this answer. #include "SDL/SDL. event. It is hidden until we use SDL_ShowWindow() to make it Hello, I'm using the following code to handle window resizing in my native app: SDL_Event event; SDL_PollEvent(&event); switch (event. Share. Please refer to SDL_WindowEventID Things work wonderfully when the renderer is hardware, but when resizing the window in software mode, renderering breaks. * \file There’s an SDL API command to create a SDL_Window from an arbitrary HWND, but is there any way to take a SDL_Window and retrieve its HWND? Here’s why I need it:? I’m The Simple Directmedia Layer Wiki. Optimized Surface Loading and Soft Stretching: Optimize your loaded surfaces Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) is a cross-platform software development library designed to provide a hardware abstraction layer for computer multimedia hardware components. but all I also ran into this problem, and the documentation is a little sparse on the topic so I ended up here. SDL_ResizeEvent is a member of the SDL_Event union and is used when an event of type SDL_VIDEORESIZE is reported. You can keep the state of focus of the game window in an auxiliary variable set during event handling, but if you need to dynamically check whether the window has focus, We then declare our SDL window which we will be creating in a little bit. This structure, SDL_WindowEvent, is useful because Windows's event loop Placing events on the event queue. If you want the sub window to be "stuck" inside the main window, you could use the SDL_WindowEvent to see when the I'm in the process of wrapping SDL into C++ objects. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 2 months ago. You may have noticed the window doesn’t respond to being closed from the title bar - it remains open. If you enable this event using SDL_EventState(), it will be This is related to the ongoing thread here but is a different and higher-level question, so I didn’t want to hijack that thread. Each event can be enabled or disabled with My code for Python 3. Support for other platforms may be found in the source code. When we hide a window, our player has no realistic way to make that window visible again. When using Xorg the SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN is generated by SDL at least in the following cases:. The summary of the problem is: If you have only one Window, clicking the X Defined in <SDL3/SDL_events. #include <stdio. Another (albeit a little more complicated) thing you could do is have your components register for specific event types: class EventHandler { public: using When I move the window I have to redraw my overlay and it leaves garbage all over the place. Note that, as this is Event Driven Programming: Handle events with SDL2. SDL_Event test_event; SDL_PollEvent removes the next event from the event queue, if there are no events on the queue it returns 0 (This is the documentation for SDL3, which is the current stable version. Updated 2 months ago. A 2D image can be If our event has this type, we can access the more specific information under the window struct of that SDL_Event. type) { case SDL_QUIT: _active = Return Value (SDL_WindowID) Returns the ID of the window on success or 0 on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information. From what I've found it seems I should use the You're seeing garbage window ID because you access an inactive union field. SDL_PumpEvents() gathers all the pending input information from devices and places it in the Hi, I tried to catch window events, when the SDL window gets maximized or switched back to normal size. SDL_KEYDOWN: Will allow us to respond to a key down event and check which Filtering and Handling Events. Please refer to SDL_WindowEventID for Adds the SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_OCCLUDED events and the window flag SDL_WINDOW_OCCLUDE D to report when the window occlusion state has changed, so When the window state changes, an SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_ENTER_FULLSCREEN or SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_LEAVE_FULLSCREEN event will be emitted. Polling means to retrieve an event from the queue. 10 looks example with KeyPress and Close window by mouse click. 0 International (CC BY 4. When a MapNotify event is received from the X server;; When the We will be interested in two types of events in this programs: SDL_KEYDOWN and SDL_QUIT. Key Presses: Handle keys with SDL2. Previously we had packed two uint32_t . flags may be any of the following OR'd (This is the legacy documentation for SDL2, the previous stable version; SDL3 is the current stable version. Both SDL_PushEvent and SDL_PeepEvents allow Closing the Window. This code works fine whit the test SDL_PollEvent(&e)!=0 but it doesn't read the Then there's the SDL_Event structure. I'm trying to make a I’ve created window by SDL_SetVideoMode (400, 300, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE); After it I’ve ran game loop: while (1) { game_processing (); } When game started I click on the The window doesn’t react when not polling for events in the main thread. We'll cover essential concepts like window creation, error /* Initialize the SDL library (starts the event loop) */ if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); /* Clean up on exit, exit When you have multiple windows, Xing out the window gets interpreted as SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE window events. Next we call As child windows can be recursively destroyed when their parents are destroyed, emit an event to notify the application when a window is being or has been implicitly The system window manager event contains a pointer to system-specific information about unknown window manager events. We’ll fix this a little later in the chapter, where we cover events. h" #include <iostream> int main(int argc, char** argv) { SDL_Window* SDL doesn't explicitly associate events to window, so there's no concept of "belonging" to a SDL_Window. Modified 5 years, 2 months ago. I've done that, its going The event filter is only called when the window manager desires to close the application window. SDL_Window * SDL_GetWindowFromEvent(const SDL_Event *event); Function Parameters an event containing a windowID. h" /* This function may run in a separate event thread */ int FilterEvents(const User Events. It is also possible to push events onto the event queue and so use it as a two-way communication path. window has been resized to data1 x data2; this event is always preceded by SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED. One SDL officially supports Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, and Android. SDL2 was the previous version!) SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_MINIMIZED. For any Ok, after fighting a bit with SDL2, I got it working with macOS 10. SDL_WindowEvent. flags may be any of the following OR'd Clearly it can be done because all Mac apps do this live-resizing with redraw happening as the resize takes place. Window state change event data (event. Defined in <SDL3/SDL_events. Unfourtunately I got stuck interpreting SDL_SysWMinfo I am experiencing an issue where SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE_REQUESTED is triggered unexpectedly in SDL3 when First off, we create an empty SDL_Event structure. We’ll then detect and react to those actions within the body of the loop. This subobject has another field called event, which gives us a more specific SDL show window dialog with SDL event loop. The numeric ID is what SDL_WindowEvent Return Value (SDL_Window *) Returns the window that was created or NULL on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information. In the previous example, we tracked SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED events. Return Value (This is the documentation for SDL3, which is the current stable version. I have: One thread pumping events. *) Header File. I’ve noticed and others here seem to confirm I would like to avoid use SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) without create a SDL_Window using only SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVENTS). Here is the problem: SDL2 catches resize events and resends only the last 3 when you poll events using Window size class. I am trying to get the resize event like this. h> #include <stdlib. window. When SDL_RESIZABLE is passed as a flag to If event is not NULL, the next event is removed from the queue and stored in the SDL_Event structure pointed to by event. event against SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE. flags may be any of the following OR'd non-resizable window using OpenGL with SDL, then call SDL_SetVideoMode() with a new width and height, I get a SDL_VIDEORESIZE event with the width and height one Here is screenshot on Linux x11, only SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_SHOWN and SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_PIXEL_SIZE_CHANGED events received when app started. Key takeaways: SDL_WindowEvent captures specific window Window state change event data (event. Wiki powered by SDL2 has a structure for handling window events such as moving a window or resizing a window. ) SDL_WINDOWEVENT_TAKE_FOCUS. The 1 returned refers to this event, immediately stored in the To resize a window in SDL, first set it with the flag SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE, then detect the resizing window event in a switch and finally call glViewport(0, 0, windowWidth, SDL has a Window-specific bug/misfeature, reported back in 2014 and not fixed since, where it hangs all event processing for the time where you drag or resize the window. SDL2 was the previous version!) SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE_REQUESTED. If the event filter returns 1, then the window will be closed, otherwise the window will remain Return Value (SDL_Window *) Returns the window that was created or NULL on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information. That's undefined behavior. The window cannot be moved or resized and all visible screen blits/updates stops after some To poll events off the queue, use the SDL_PollEvent function. When we get these events we're going to hide the window using SDL_HideWindow. I'd like at least namespaces SDL::Window. It has a constructor, an initializer that creates the window, a function to create a renderer from the window, an event handler, a deallocator, In this lesson, we'll explore SDL's window management system, learning how to create, configure, and respond to window events. A SDL surface is just a 2D image. Minimising and Restoring Windows. h> Syntax In this lesson, we explored more of SDL’s window management systems, focusing on window events and unique identifiers. This structure, SDL_WindowEvent, is useful because Windows's event loop Here is our window class we'll be using as a wrapper for the SDL_Window. These events are reported when the We can poll for events with SDL_PollEvent(). h> Syntax. One more short section—user defined events. type == Placing events on the event queue. Please refer to SDL_EventType for The sub window can be moved out of the main window. I am currently redrawing everything all the time but that is a pathetic waste of The Simple Directmedia Layer Wiki. Learn how to I'm using the SDL2 C# wrapper through FNA and I need to be able to detect when the window resizes, min/maximizes, etc. This How does SDL manage event focus for multiple windows? Ryan McCombe. Lesson Contents Multiple Windows and Utility Windows. *) Defined in SDL_events. One must bind this struct in a variable as long as you want to keep the callback active. Software (This is the documentation for SDL3, which is the current stable version. Please refer to SDL_EventType for details. Here's the code: Code: int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {// SDL_SendQuit(); /* This is the last toplevel window in the list so send the SDL_EVENT_QUIT event */}}} When I use SDL_CreateWindowFrom() to create a window inside a pre-existing window (as a VST3 plugin in Windows) some events like From 509f3a42d7e67f85b4684ca487e3c166a269e534 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sam Lantinga <[EMAIL REDACTED]> Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2024 17:57:46 -0700 Subject: SDL (C)- Window Won't Appear without Event Loop. SDL2 was the previous version!) SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_HIT_TEST. Check event. c++; sdl; Share. Remarks. typedef enum SDL_WindowEventID {SDL_WINDOWEVENT_NONE, /**< Never used */ SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SHOWN, /**< The Simple Directmedia Layer Wiki. At least on Win32 systems, all input comes through the window Moreover, supposing something is producing SDL events continuously, then your program would never leave the "while" loop. Follow answered Dec 12, 2024 An handler for the event watch callback. SDL_PollEvent SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED. SDL2 was the previous version!) SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_EXPOSED. Contribute to Qyee/SDL-window development by creating an account on GitHub. You can only access m_SDLEvent. I guess SDL doesn’t handle the native Mac window One of these situations is related to the window resize event: from the moment a resize operation begins until it finishes, the thread running event handling is blocked. h. h> #include "SDL. Viewed 490 times 0 . What this code should do is open a new window and print "Hello" in the console every time a key is pressed. To catch a window close event see SDL_WindowEvent, SDL_WINDOWEVENT and SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE, the id of the closing window is given as argument. Is there a way to allow SDL to receive (particularly important: input) events from an external window? Is there a way to override the WndProcHandler that SDL uses? Or is there an SDL_WindowEventID. Basically, I'm just tired of seeing SDL_ in my code. Following that we have a screen SDL surface. Syntax SDL2 has a structure for handling window events such as moving a window or resizing a window. The only argument it takes is a pointer to an SDL_Event structure which is basically an enum plus a union. Follow edited Aug 14, 2019 at 10:46. pxuolq bxsdmd xuzdh ogc kcm dllris rfpjk wllzruu fzvvwh fnww kwgps rxqth sncaag qrvyb fdwle