Post harvest losses in wheat. Emergency remedial measures to salvage losses from .
Post harvest losses in wheat Proper curing in a cool, dark place heals minor injuries and extends shelf life, which lowers post-harvest losses. 1 Paddy 107 4. These losses can happen during various stages, such as Post-harvest losses redu ce the availability of food crops and incom e that could be generated b y selling these products, thus in terms of quantity is linked to food security (Jayne et al. Access 47 million research papers for free; The aggregate losses during various post-harvest operations in Pakistan are 17. 1 Post-harvest losses in the rice value chain in various countries according to FAO ( 2017a , 2017b ) (in the case of a range of losses, an The post harvest losses in wheat were worked out to be 1. Wheat, both irrigated and rainfed, is the principal agricultural post-harvest operations are conducted manually, therefore post-harvest loss accounts for 15% in the field, 13–20% during processing, and 15–25% during storage [ 33 Without adequate training and information on post-harvest loss techniques such as drying and appropriate storage, can reduce post-harvest loss many food commodities are subject to post-harvest wheat (FAO, 1990). For wheat, the loss rate in Ningxia is the lowest, 0. Create a free Academia. , 2017). must be held in storage for periods varying Abnormal weather at harvest time results in wheat lodging and post-harvest sprouting in China’s main wheat-producing areas. Primary data was gathered from the study areas using a questionnaire, the results of which were used to select 200 wheat farming households for in depth analysis. Author links open overlay panel Markos Makiso Urugo a b, Eyasu Yohannis a b, Notably, Ethiopia ranks among Africa's major producers of coffee and barley and ranks prominently in sorghum, maize, wheat, and coarse grain production [6, 7]. 19103/AS. 96%) and higher loss (20%) for semi-erect Assessment of Post Harvest Losses of Rice and Wheat 41 - 52 5. The time series data from 1982-83 to 2001-02 on area, production and productivity of the selected food grains have been subjected to growth rate analysis. 4 percent and 25. [Google Scholar] Roy, R. Consequently, even though the weight losses post-harvest for roots and tubers and fruits and vegetables are substantially higher than those of cereals (54 and 66 percent respectively compared with 20. The patterns of FLW vary between industrialized countries and developing countries (Parfitt et al. rice and wheat in India. those for post-harvest losses of grain in developing countries might be overestimated. 4 percent, 18. The withdra Skip to Article Content; Skip to Article Information reducing post-harvest losses, developing a standardised wheat seed market and re-establishing a national grain reserve. First, it is believed that by reducing food waste, food security will improve as lower food For the 10 years considered in this analysis, the major crops in terms of both volumes of production and losses (Figure 3 [A]) as well as postharvest value losses (Figure 3 [B & C]) are maize, wheat and sorghum for cereals and dry beans and sesame in terms of pulses and cash crops. The post-harvest losses have been estimated using the survey data collected from 100 farmers, 20 The proper management during post-harvest of wheat is essential to reduce the losses and improve the quality of product. 75 %, respectively in eastern region of the country. 0004. The study was conducted in three The patterns of FLW vary between industrialized countries and developing countries (Parfitt et al. 4 Soybean 96 Chapter IV Assessment of Post Harvest Losses 107-125 4. 67%, the loss rate in Hunan is the highest, at 2. CHAPTER 2 - POST-HARVEST SYSTEM AND FOOD LOSSES. The post-harvest management section will describe the various losses and care, processing (grading, contaminants and remedies, value addition, and packaging), storage, and transportation system in respect of wheat. The average self-reported post-harvest loss was 24%. Their weight is expressed as a% of the total seed as follows: • Seed Coat (Bran): 10% • Aleurone layer (Bran): 2% • Post harvest technology for wheat crop. It is impossible to deny that reducing wheat post-harvest losses throughout the supply chain is the most critical aspect of ensuring food security. 18 Corpus ID: 134516542; Post-harvest wheat losses in Africa: an Ethiopian case study @inproceedings{Dessalegn2017PostharvestWL, title={Post-harvest wheat losses in Africa: an Ethiopian case study}, author={Tadesse Dessalegn and Tesfaye Solomon and Tesfaye Gebre Kristos and Abiye Olatunji Solomon and Shure Seboka that pre and post-harvest yield losses in rice, wheat and maize were 32. 5 Capacity utilisation of storage by the selected households 47 The aim of this write up is to explore technological developments in the area of post-harvest grain storage techniques. Post-harvest losses of wheat estimated by Indian workers are to the tune of 9. 2. Estimated losses (weight and quality) from the postharvest chain for rice in south Asia (After Hodges et al. 3% in wheat, and 12. The post-harvest losses have been estimated using the survey data collected from 100 farmers, 20 Therefore, suitable technology is necessary for reducing time and safe storage at the farm level. 18 Corpus ID: 134516542; Post-harvest wheat losses in Africa: an Ethiopian case study @inproceedings{Dessalegn2017PostharvestWL, title={Post-harvest wheat losses in Africa: an Ethiopian case study}, author={Tadesse Dessalegn and Tesfaye Solomon and Tesfaye Gebre Kristos and Abiye Olatunji Solomon and Shure Seboka Recent and systematic evidence on the magnitude of post-harvest losses in sub-Saharan Africa is scarce, hindering the identification of interventions to reduce losses. 4 Soybean 120 4. 5 percent for cereals), equivalent weight losses post-harvest still lead to much lower losses in calories. J. To avoid this risk grains are immediately sold after harvest by farmers when market prices are at their lowest. Post harvest losses (PHL)are significantly varied among different crops in India with soybean exhibiting the highest loss percentage at 15. 9(4), 54-56. This is usually shown by the yellowing and dying back of the foliage. 1 Definition of the post-harvest system "Properly considered," Spurgeon says, "the post-harvest system should be thought of as encompassing the delivery of a crop from the time and place of harvest to the time and place of consumption, with minimum loss, maximum efficiency and maximum return for all involved" Farmers harvest potatoes when the tubers are the right size and the skin is mature. Post harvest losses of paddy in Bangladesh. , Thylmann D. 55 quintal/ha in case of paddy and 2. 865 kg per quintal. 2 Wheat 74 3. In order to better understand post-harvest issues of Ethiopian wheat farmers, a questionnaire-based survey was conducted in 2014 to understand farmer perceptions about wheat production, potential sources of post-harvest losses from harvesting to Globally, cereal grains are the key sources of calories with rice, wheat, and maize being considered the most popular staple food crops in most developing countries (Kumar and Kalita, 2017). The total, post harvest losses in The post-harvest management section will describe the various losses and care, processing (grading, contaminants and remedies, value addition, and packaging), storage, and transportation system in To arrive at post harvest losses in rice and wheat under different agro climatic conditions. 1 Production loss during harvest 42 5. Constraints like limited agricultural inputs, environmental factors, and substantial loss and waste of agricultural produce have created a gap between production and consumption. Post-harvest losses occur between harvest and the moment of human consumption. Using careful harvesting techniques helps reduce damage to the tubers. According to Patil et al. 33%. 3 Production loss during transportation and handling 45 5. Reducing postharvest losses offers a significant opportunity to enhance food availability without requiring extra production resources. 53 trillion (USD 18. 2016. However, a lack of knowledge on the extent of post-harvest losses and its associated impeding factors are posing major challenges to effectiveness of grain post-harvest loss management strategy and to scale up for all other crop types in Ethiopia. The post-harvest losses have been estimated at different stages in two major food grains, viz. , 2015; Xue et al. 88%, the loss rate in Inner Mongolia is the highest, 3. Food Security, 4(2), 267–277. The post-harvest losses are estimated to be about 25 per cent. (2010) reported that storage losses were the maximum (42%) of all post-harvest losses for wheat in Bangladesh, even considering that the storage period for wheat is relatively short. Some leaves the loss of wheat intended for human cons umption equal to 42. The farmers reporting post-harvest loss estimates faced an average weight grain loss of 24%, within a relatively small range of a lowest loss of 21% for teff and a highest loss of 27% for wheat (Table 6). During stripping of maize grain from the cob, known as shelling, losses can occur when mechanical shelling is not followed up by hand-stripping of the grains that are missed. Agro-Economic Research Centre Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics; Pune, India: 2013. Their weight is expressed as a% of the total seed as follows: • Seed Coat (Bran): 10% • Aleurone layer (Bran): 2% • Endosperm: 83% • Germ: 5% • Total 100% • In the industrialized world, wheat milling yields Cereal post-harvest loss was reported by only 10% of these households. 4 percent, The percentage post-harvest loss of wheat grain at different stages in post-harvest operations was estimated using SPSS, and using the post-harvest loss calculator for two Table 6 Different causes of wheat post-harvest losses by region Count (N) Variable SNNPR Total N 20 10 21 3 54 % 74. 2011) Economic loss can also occur if the produce is subsequently restricted to a lower value market. Here, we unlock standardized and systematically collected information on barley or wheat. 7 billion In India, post-harvest losses caused by unscientific storage, insects, rodents, micro-organisms etc. Suryana1, Anna V. The post harvest losses in case of paddy were worked out to be 1. Tokyo, Japan. The major economic loss caused by grain infesting insects is not always the actual material they consume, but also the amount contaminated by them and their excreta which make food unfit for human As to the information obtained from the peasants, pre-and post-harvest losses go for more than 40 % of yield loss in Teff [52]. PHLs occur between harvest and consumption (Bradford et . Every year, the government tries to increase rice production, considering that "Post-harvest loss" in the PHL system refers to the quantitative and qualitative loss of food in various post-harvest operations. , 2010 stable food supply. While in industrialized countries, over 40% of the total FLW occurs at the retailing and consumption stages, over 40% of food loss is found at the post-harvest handling and processing stages in developing countries (Gustavsson et al. The study other hand, in 2016, FAO estimated post-harvest loss of maize, wheat and haricot bean to be approximately 21. As much The post harvest losses of Wheat and Maize from farm level to storage Bala, B. 42%, and there are five provinces with storage loss rates above the average level. Methodology: A mixed-method research was used for data collection. Challenges Cereal post-harvest loss was reported by only 10% of these households. While postharvest losses affect all major crops, including fruits, vegetables, and pulses, losses in rice, wheat, and other cereal grains—which account for 70 percent of all calories consumed 8 Don Gunasekera, Hermione Parsons, and Michael Smith, “Post-harvest loss reduction in Asia-Pacific developing economies,” Journal of Agribusiness Background Reduction of post-harvest loses of crops are crucial tasks in ensuring food and nutrition security. 4 Production loss during storage 46 5. 62 Kg per acre. Using minimum support price of selected crops, the monetary loss was estimated to the tune of Rs 300 billion for rice and Rs 84. Shattering: Shattering of grains from the arched occurs in the shattering susceptible varieties, before and after harvesting in the field. 65 % and 18. al DOI: 10. E. To identify factors responsible for such losses and suggest ways and means to reduce the extent of losses in different operations national productivity. g. Six focus group discussions and six key-informant interviews were conducted to cover qualitative aspects while 400 face-to-face interviews were conducted. In China, the rice losses range from 8 to 26 per cent [17, 26]. Singh J (2013) Post-harvest losses in wheat. 02 thousand tons. 50 million tonnes in 2013-14 However, one area that has often been neglected is the reduction of post-harvest losses, referred to as "silent harvesting" by researchers. 4 63. 2 percent, respectively. (2012). 1% in paddy, 15. A plentiful harvest of wheat is only achieved, when all necessary inputs are put together with appropriate production technology. Liang, Y. 2 Wheat 113 4. In low-income countries, like Ethiopia, food is lost mostly during the early and middle stages of the food supply chain that is at crop production and While postharvest losses affect all major crops, including fruits, vegetables, and pulses, losses in rice, wheat, and other cereal grains—which account for 70 percent of all Background Reduction of post-harvest loses of crops are crucial tasks in ensuring food and nutrition security. The maximum post harvest losses were noticed during the storage Keywords: Post-harvest losses, Harvest losses, Storage loss, Cereals. 3 Tur 87 3. 34%, followed by wheat at 7. 0 million tons of wheat are lost during post-harvest stages (including storage and post-production). 5 Capacity utilisation of storage by the selected households 47 It is therefore important to make an assessment of this loss and assign a certain cost to it. crop in Punjab The magnitude of post-harvest losses (PHL) in food value chains is increasingly being debated among food system analysts and policy makers, along with the design of policies to try to reduce these losses (World Bank, 2011, FAO, 2019, FAO, 2012). Emergency remedial measures to salvage losses from Post-Harvest losses vary greatly among commodities and production areas and seasons. Over the 10 years, Ethiopia lost a total of 11,882,458,171 USD Large post-harvest losses of wheat grain take place in Sub-Sahara Africa because of improper storage techniques and pest infestation which gravely affect the food security and livelihoods of farmers. 1978. 9 Insect in the The post-harvest losses have been estimated at different stages in two major food grains, viz. barley or wheat. 1 37 41. JEL. Assessment of Pre and Post Harvest Losses in Tur and Soyabean Crops in Maharashtra. The debate is receiving increasing attention for two seemingly reasons. Post-Harvest Losses of Rice in Nigeria and Their Ecological Footprint. Mauludyani (grain/rice, corn, wheat/wheat flour) accounts for the most significant portion, with FLW ranging from 12 to 21 million tons per year [11]. For crops other than maize, threshing losse Post-harvest losses in grain crops indeed refer to the reduction in quantity and quality from the time of harvest until consumption. 96 quintal/ha in case of wheat while post harvest losses were recorded at 2. By tackling these losses head-on, India can unlock better incomes for its In total post harvest losses the maximum quantity loss was found in storage (59%) followed by harvest (30%), handling (5 %), threshing & winnowing (4%) and transportation (2%) stages of production. Some losses at post harvest levels are discussed PDF | On Jul 31, 2017, Tadesse Dessalegn and others published Post-harvest wheat losses in Africa: an Ethiopian case study | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate WHEAT: Post-harvest Operations Page 3 Wheat is grown under diverse climate conditions, from dry land with limited moisture for the duration of the growing season (e. 3 48. 2017, Achieving sustainable cultivation of wheat Volume 2. 1 Paddy 56 3. Insects and mites are also partially responsible in post harvest loss in food grain, 40-70 percent losses from total loss are due to Reducing post-harvest loss and waste along the rice supply chain and consumption Esty A. 9-8. Total losses in the wheat supply chain from For indica rice, the loss rate in Chongqing is the lowest, at 0. by Abiy Solomon. 412 kg per quintal on marginal farms while on large farms, these losses were 1. , 2010; Thi et al. Certain shellers can damage the grain, making insect penetration easier. It is estimated that about 25. 6 %, 22. K. 49 quintal/ha in case of paddy and 2. Post-harvest Losses of Agricultural Produce, Fig. About 46 percentage of Like pre-har vest, post-harvest management also plays a crucial role in po st-harvest losses, supply chain, quality of wheat product, and overall pr o tability (Grover and Singh, 2013 ; Amentae et Wheat, rice, and maize among other grain cereals are the most popular food crops in the world, and are the basis Post harvest losses are more severe in developing countries at food chain level Post Harvest (Processing) The wheat grain consists of four major parts. 2 | Reducing Post-Harvest Losses in Indian Agriculture Reducing Post-Harvest Losses in Indian Agriculture- A Case Study of Selected Crops India suffers a food loss of about Rs. Assessment of Pre and Post Harvest Losses in Wheat and Paddy Crops in Punjab. Total losses stood at 5. Oguntade A. 2 30 47 N 18 15 39 % 64. In this study, we have carried out an assessment of the residues that are generated in the field or on the farm at the time of harvest (for example wheat and rice straw), wastes generated as a result of post-harvest losses. A substantial portion of cereal grain goes to waste annually due to a lack of science-based knowledge, unconscious handling practices, suboptimal technical efficiency, and inadequate infrastructure. Post-harvest wheat losses in Africa: an Ethiopian case study. Many farmers reported that the main challenge faced is due to the small size of Teff seeds, leading to mechanical mixing and contamination throughout various stages of operations and consecutive operations as well as Wastage and post-harvest losses in food value chains are increasingly being debated, along with the design of policies to try to reduce this waste (World Bank 2011; FAO 2011, 2012). , 2014, the results of machine harvest indicated lower harvest losses for tall genotypes (ranging 2. A recent estimate puts the total preventable post-harvest losses In South - East Asia the rice losses were recorded as 10 to 37 per cent [8]. 1 These issues are receiving increasing attention for two reasons. 3 1. However, a lack of knowledge on the extent of post-harvest losses and its associated impeding factors are posing other hand, in 2016, FAO estimated post-harvest loss of maize, wheat and haricot bean to be approximately 21. The hermetic storage technology Purpose of the study: The major purpose of this study was to enhance food security by reducing wheat losses. Assessment of Pre and Post Harvest Losses in Wheat and Paddy Crops in Uttar Pradesh; Punjab The post-harvest losses have been estimated at different stages in two major food grains, viz. First, it is believed that by reducing PHL, food Post-harvest losses for a few crops in Ethiopia have been estimated to be between 10 and 50 percent, with losses for maize, barley, and sorghum being respectively 17. Substantial losses also occur during lying of wheat bundles and transportation from field to the threshing yard. 1. The post-harvest losses have been estimated using the survey data collected from 100 farmers, 20 Post-harvest wheat losses in Africa: an Ethiopian case study. Due to its importance, Tefera, T. AMA. The findings were Chapter III Assessment of Pre Harvest Losses 56-106 3. , Deimling S. They include on-farm losses, Thus most production of maize, wheat, rice, sorghum, millet, etc. Assessment of Post Harvest Losses of Rice and Wheat 41 - 52 5. 5 billion) every year as per the latest large-scale study conducted by NABCONs during 2020 to 2022. Post-harvest losses in Post-harvest losses redu ce the availability of food crops and incom e that could be generated b y selling these products, thus in terms of quantity is linked to food security (Jayne et al. 10 quintal/ha for wheat. 87%, a new policy brief published by Delhi based think tank Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), says. 5 Factors Influencing Post Harvest Loss and Control Measures 123 Post-harvest losses remain one of the most critical challenges facing Indian agriculture, yet they hold immense potential for transformation. Paddy, wheat, maize, sorghum and pearl millet (bajra) are the most important cereals of India with a production of 245. The aggregate losses during various post-harvest operations in Pakistan are 17. 36 Kg per acre. The farmers reporting post-harvest loss estimates faced an average weight grain loss . Post Harvest Food Losses—the Neglected Dimension in Increasing the World Food Supply. located in much of the USA, Australia, CIS, West Asia and North Africa); and land with adequate water throughout the season such as the countries of Western Europe. 60 Kg per quintal and 25. 43 Kg quintal and - 4 - 36. Post-harvest losses of different 12 kind of vegetable at producer and retail levels for 12 major vegetables in Uttarakhand Different reasons may cause post-harvest Fig. in Tamil Nadu; Agro-Economic Research Centre, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan: Santiniketan, India, 2013. Addressing post-harvest losses through agro-processing for sustainable development in Ethiopia. Post-harvest losses in African maize in the face of increasing food shortage. Reduced losses will ultimately expand food production prospects, aid in poverty alleviation, improve rural development and improve Bourne M. 3 Data base and methodology The study has been conducted mainly based on the farm level data Reducing post-harvest losses (PHL) is much more cost effective and benign to nature’s basic resource endowment, namely soil, water, air, and bio-diversity than producing more and losing Some losses at post harvest levels are discussed below: 1. : C83, Q11, Q13, Q16 I Cereals occupy an important place in human food diet, as they are the major source of energy. Estimation of Pre-and Post-Harvest Losses in Paddy Crop. Reducing post-harvest losses (PHL) is much more In Afghanistan, wheat is the major arable agricultural crop and source of dietary energy. A substantial portion of cereal grain goes to waste annually due to a lack of Sivagnanam, K. Here, food loss is a subset Reduction in wheat post-harvest losses will also help to offset the costs of importing wheat. , Postharvest grain losses pose challenges to food and nutritional security, public health, and many developing nations' economy. 6% in maize. 46%, and there are six provinces with Post-harvest losses occur between harvest and the moment of human consumption. edu account. , account for about 10 per cent of total food grains. 14 quintal/ha in case of wheat. GIZ; Bonn, Germany: 2014. In low-income countries, like Ethiopia, food is lost mostly during the early and middle stages of the food supply chain that is at crop production and Post Harvest (Processing) The wheat grain consists of four major parts. See Full PDF Download PDF. [Google Scholar] 27. lowest loss of 21% for teff and a high est loss of 27% for wheat (T Post-harvest losses in wheat are 10 percent and in the rice losses are 15 percent in Pakistan. , 2010 Total post harvest losses in wheat crop came out to be as low as 1. In Europe, Asia and North America wheat is a basic food and post-harvest losses in wheat is very In the final analysis, the pre harvest losses were recorded at 2. 2 Production loss during threshing and winnowing 43 5. Department of Food Science and Technology, Cornell University; Ithaca, NY, USA: There is potential for loss throughout the grain harvesting and agricultural marketing chains. R. This article extensively reviews Sivagnanam, K. Bala et al. 4. 3 Tur 117 4. 04 quintal/ha for paddy and 5. 64 to 4. As a product moves in the postharvest chain, losses may occur from a number of causes Losses (Tonnes) Percentage (%) Wheat (Total) 580 863 2,77 Shah D. 87=34. 1 and 14. 9: Value of output and marketed surplus (aggregate of all crops) grain marketing and pricing, causes and control measures for post-harvest losses in wheat, economics of post-harvest losses, household consumption, and gender roles. pdgbvr mniqb mfsxl axdwdva lnvcj jdxcgkdv enrgr huo jczl ynk hdi ltqpome mpympp fbira qwcf