Wexford county district court case lookup 779. Recreation Plan; Volunteer Opportunities; Wexford County Technology Action Plan 28th Circuit Court, Friend of the Court 401 N. Wexford County Public Records Birth Records Calendars and Case Information View case summaries, defendant and plaintiff names, and case information. Wexford County recognizes the significance of this event and has quickly taken the appropriate steps to address it. Mar 5, 2025 · Governor Josh Stein has appointed two district court judges and one superior court judge for District 10, 14, and 22. WHO DO I CONTACT IF I HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT A CASE? You can contact the clerk if you have procedural questions. Division, Cadillac, MI 49601 231-779-9453 231-779-9745 FAX Court records in Wexford County are official documents generated from legal proceedings within the county. • Experience in a clerical office, court system or law office preferred • Ability to use proper grammar in speech and writing • High School graduation or equivalent District Court Administrator . 8:30 am – 5:00 pm You may also pay your traffic ticket or court fines by check, or money order, made payable to: 84th District Court. Civil Records Search Feb 13, 2022 · The Wisconsin Court System protects individuals' rights, privileges and liberties, maintains the rule of law, and provides a forum for the resolution of disputes that is fair, accessible, independent and effective. Wexford County Probate Court 437 East Division Street 0. Civil Court Records Search. If you feel you need an attorney to represent you, the matter must be filed in district court as a general civil case. Lookup Wexford county court records in MI with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. Administration Office, 437 E. The phone number for 28th Circuit Court - Wexford is 231-779-9450 and the fax number is 231-779-0447. General information or filing new cases: Call extension 2012 The information available on MCRO is limited to case, hearing, and monetary judgment search results; case record information; Registers of Actions; monetary judgment details; and documents for publicly accessible district court case records that may also be available online, as defined by Rule 8, subd. Local Rules and Forms. Entering new orders, child emancipation, or transferring cases: Call extension 2013. 30 a. E-Doc Technologies, our vendor, hosts and maintains our Case Index Search site. This would be the case number, case type, who’s involved, names of attorneys, judge assigned, and hearing dates. While most cases begin with contacting one of our dedicated and professional law enforcement agencies, some cases may be initiated by other sources. The System contains case information only for cases filed with the 36 th District Court. court records: Wexford County District Court Docket | Michigan Judiciary Information. Urgent cases only will proceed later today. Case Lookup: You will be redirected to a website that is not maintained or supported by McLennan County. Each session is held in-person at 401 N. The County Clerk & District Clerk court records search allows you to search for criminal court case records in Bexar 28th Circuit Court Family Division. on Friday, August 27, 2021 to the County Administrator’s Office, 437 E. These Wexford Missaukee Community Corrections Advisory Board Length of term: 2 years All terms expire 12/31/23. To further assist you in your search for court records in Wexford County, Michigan, here are some relevant links: Wexford County Official Website; Michigan Courts Case Search; Michigan Courts Forms and Feb 26, 2025 · Wexford County immediately shut off access to its network and engaged specialized third-party forensic and technical experts to assist in responding to the incident. 84th District Court Wexford County 437 East Division Street 0. You will need: 1. This program is required for all parents with new Friend of the Court cases and also by Court order. 00 Small claims courts are designed to operate informally and without attorneys present. Beginning April 1st, 2022, pursuant to Michigan Court Rule MCR 1. Highlights of the new service are as follows: FREE document look-up service (self-service) $5 basic records District Court Area and Venue Court Office for each area Summary Jurisdiction: Scheduled sitting days and commencement times of courts; Gorey: Wexford: First, third and fourth Wednesday in each month at 10. PLEASE NOTE: Jurors should pay particular attention to the panel to which they are assigned. 27, Feb. Jan 5, 2022 · As of February 12, 2010, members of the community have the opportunity to view and obtain copies of documents from cases filed with the Tarrant County District Clerk's office. 9515 x3. Use our Civil Court Records Search to easily locate court records by name or record number. 4. Operates computer terminal to document payment of tickets, closing of traffic cases, and to enter court cases, dates and case Some courts only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. The court's jurisdiction encompasses criminal misdemeanors, civil cases involving amounts under $25,000, traffic violations, other civil infractions, landlord-tenant disputes, and small claims matters. Links for online court records and other free court resources are provided for each court, where available. Use Court Explorer to search, view or purchase public court legal records of the 6th Judicial Circuit Court. This Jury Trial is being held in our Probate Court on the 1st floor of the County Courthouse. In Wexford County, we have the Michigan State Police, Department of Natural Resources, Wexford County Sheriff, City of Cadillac Police Department, and Manton Police Department. In Person: Provide name and form to be completed by Clerk’s Office Indicated years to be searched. Case information includes details about a case. 9225 Fax: 231. Dallas County and District Court Case Information. If you have further questions regarding a court case scheduled at a Ramsey County District Court location, call (651) 266-8266. Subscribe Now The Court furthermore assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of information retrieved from this site. Subscribe to receive important updates and news from Florida Courts. All records can be accessed through the Online Case Records Search. Search for: Recent Posts. Only active members of the State Bar of Texas who are in good standing to practice law and are subject to the disciplinary rules of the State Bar of Texas and Licensed Texas Certified Peace Officers are allowed to register. Circuit Courts in Wexford County Generally, District Courts handle the following matters: landlord-tenant cases; land contract disputes; misdemeanor criminal offenses; civil lawsuits; small claims cases; civil municipal infractions; civil traffic infractions; and civil weddings. Payment Information. Rick Charmoli | Cadillac News District Case Records; District Schedules; County Clerk - 810-985-2200 Courts - 810-985-2031 Circuit Court - 810-985-2031 District Court - 810-985-2072 Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. Audrey Van Alst, District Court Judge Melissa Ransom, Probate Court Judge Julie Theobald, Wexford Upcoming Court Dates. Election History. Cases include Domestic (such as divorce, custody, parenting time), Civil (such as contract, business, appeals, general civil cases over $25,000), and Criminal felony case types Commissioners Court; County Courts at Law; District Courts; Education. Lake Street in Cadillac and lasts about 1 1/2 hours. Wexford District Court Judge Danielle Decator presides over the Wexford District Court in Cadillac, Michigan. Election Results. For questions please call the Probate/Juvenile Court at 231-779-9510) A one-stop search engine to review court cases, past and present, from traffic tickets to felony crimes, divorces to civil torts, by name, case or citation number; look up current inmates, view mug shots, check bond amounts, time served, or link back to the inmates' criminal cases; and, check active warrants and link back to any cases tied to • Minimum of two years of experience in a court setting, office administration, supervisory, or similar area trict Court Judge By 4:00 p. Please call the Criminal Division of the District Court if you have any questions at 231. Dallas County and District Court Case Information and Documents Registration to this site is not required for public access Civil District Courts Family District Courts (Case Information Only) County and Probate Courts Felony and Misdemeanor ** Click here to watch a video on how to use the Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) provides online access to Minnesota state district (trial) court records and documents. m. These cases include Civil, Family and Criminal (Felony) cases. 109 regarding court dissemination of Protected Personal Identifying Information, Date of Birth will no longer be available in online public record searches. Contact the court where the case was filed for more information. 2 (231) 779-9230 fax Case Evaluation Clerk: Joanie Maloney (231) 779-9490 ext. 0 Unporte County of Nueces, TX | P: (361) 888-0111 901 Leopard St. Trial Court Administrator's Office. District Court Area and Venue Court Office for each area Summary Jurisdiction: Scheduled sitting days and commencement times of courts; Gorey: Wexford: First, third and fourth Wednesday in each month at 10. The court has jurisdiction over criminal misdemeanors, civil cases in which the amount in dispute is $25,000. The Court, Clerks of Court, their agents, and the developers of this web site assume no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of the data contained herein. Explore Wexford County, MI court records with our directory. Lake Street, Cadillac, MI 49601 Phone: (231) 779-9494 Fax: (231) 779-9497 Email: misswexfoc@gmail. 11 Road Mesick, MI 49668 231-499-0087 Court Administrator: Nicole Hagstrom (231) 779-9490 ext. 202 28th Circuit Court Wexford County juror service is a two month term for service in the 28th Circuit, 84th District and Probate Courts for Wexford County. Monday, November 22, 2021, by 4:00 p. 437 East Division Street Cadillac, MI 49601 Phone: (231) 779-9510 Fax: (231) 779-9485. Case information versus court records. The recipient should independently verify any information or data obtained from this web site with official court records. Room 303 Courthouse 436 Grant Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219. & To request a certified copy, exemplified copy, or plain copy fill out the copy request form and email it to recordsrequest@clarkcountycourts. If you experience problems with opening documents on your device, Click Here for troubleshooting the Safari settings to allow pop-ups. The counties of Sarpy, Lancaster and Douglas all have a separate juvenile court. Wexford County’s assessment is ongoing and may span several weeks. Your ticket number or case number in the memo line. These courts are identified with a check mark under the "7-Year Criminal Sentence Filter" column of the MiCOURT case search. 2 of the Minnesota Rules of Public Access 4 days ago · CADILLAC — The following are arraignments, pleas or sentences occurring in Wexford County’s 28th Circuit Court on Feb. gov) for further information. Cites, from schedule, fines and costs to be assessed against defendants based upon offense. If you have any queries please contact Wexford Court Office on 053-9122097. The Michigan Freedom of Information Act allows the public to access Wexford County court records. 3. This will allow you to see the case's Jan 1, 2022 · Online Case Search. Try searching for your case again using the link above. Copies of court documents also are not available on the site. 0 mile away. INSTRUCTIONS: The trial date of Tuesday, January 14, 2025 , still currently remains on the Court’s docket. Scheduled Cases by Last Name* at District Court - Some cases may not be listed here. How to Obtain Wexford County Criminal Court Records. Wexford: Wexford: Second , third and fourth Monday in each month. Phone: (Divorce and related matters) (231) 779-9490 Phone: (Juvenile matters) District Court - 437 E. Effective January 1, 2022, new cases filed with the 37 th District Court can be accessed online through the link below. Stay informed about court proceedings and law enforcement updates in Wexford County, Michigan. By North Carolina Judicial Branch February 25, 2025 , Press Release Feb 28, 2025 · Wexford County juror service is a two month term for service in the 28th Circuit, 84th District and Probate Courts for Wexford County. The Clerk of the Court maintains court records from September 1909 through the present date. 4 Court Clerk: Linda Westdorp 231-839-4967 ext. Circuit Courts also handle appeals from District Courts and some administrative agencies. This definition includes, but is not limited to, pleadings, motions, orders, judgments, exhibits, deposition transcripts BS&A Internet Services. Nearby Courts: 28th Judicial Circuit Court Wexford County Family Court 437 East Division Street 0. email: bstoll@wexfordcounty. 84th District Court Wexford County in Cadillac, Michigan. Find civil, criminal, and probate records, or access court docket information. The court address is 437 E Division St, Cadillac MI 49601. & First and second Thursday in each month at 10. The referee is appointed to hear testimony and arguments on any issue in a domestic relations case except spousal support (alimony)–those can only be heard by a judge. The phone number for 84th District Court - Wexford is 231-779-9515 and the fax number is 231-779-5396. Cadillac, MI 49601 231-846-1384 Mark A. , Cadillac, MI 49601. Records come from the trial court case management system, known as JUSTICE. Find out more about paying court fees, fines and traffic citation in Guilford County. (Note: Any cases filed before January 1, 2022 are not available online at this time). The site shows the case information as each case is heard, whether it is still open or closed and what its final disposition was when closed. However, anyone interested in learning more about how the Wexford/Missaukee Friend of the Court functions is also welcome to attend. Mar 2, 2025 · 28th Circuit Court - Wexford is located in Wexford county in Michigan. Guilford County Courts The Macomb County Clerk is designated as the Clerk of the Macomb County Circuit Court and assists in the Court with its many functions. The returns for Court Schedule searches are limited to 1000 proceedings. Data use is subject to NMSA 1978, Sec. org Hours: Monday – Friday. Unlike the general public, attorneys and law enforcement need to register to use the portal. If you have been notified to appear in court for jury duty or to response to a summons or a traffic ticket, read the notice or summons carefully because it will tell you the name of the court where your case has been filed. Civil, Criminal, Family, and Probate Case Search Calendar Search Calendars for individual judges and programs in the Civil, Criminal, and Probate Divisions can be accessed through the following link: Civil, Criminal, and Probate What you need to know about Sealed Court Records By tights, answering questions about court policy and procedures, and referring individuals to the appropriate party. For specific information related to a particular case, you must visit or contact the court in which the action was filed or visit a commercial site that allows users to search a real-time register of actions of state court records on the Internet. This can be found in the upper right hand corner For TIPS on navigating Search ARCourts,Click Here. Explore the Wexford County Court dockets for civil, criminal, traffic cases, and more. Index Number CV LT TS - - / BX HA KI NY QU RH RI Case Look-up This section of the website provides users with information about Supreme and Appellate, civil, family, criminal, motor vehicle, housing, and small claims cases. Notice: The information contained on this website reflects factual information associated with North Dakota District court cases as well as some North Dakota municipal court cases. Court records include the documents filed in the case. The court address is 437 E Division St, PO Box 490, Cadillac MI 49601. or mediation appointments: Call extension 2005. If you’re not sure which court you’re looking for, learn more about the Michigan court system. The Court has jurisdiction of criminal misdemeanors, civil cases in which the amount in dispute is less than $25,000. Find Jan 23, 2025 · 28th Circuit Court Judge Jason Elmore swears in new 84th District Court Judge Corey Wiggins during the morning of Wednesday, Jan. Mar 3, 2025 · Case Search >>Click Here to Search Cases<< If you experience issues with accessing the site, check to see if you have bookmark or saved a link to your case. Corpus Christi, TX 78401 Live Streaming of 28th Circuit Court hearings In 2017, a total of 128 juvenile cases were reported for every 100,000 people age 10 to adulthood in the jurisdiction of Wexford County. Most records dating from 1990 to present may be searched online. P (412) 350-4401 F (412) 350-3311 Wexford County immediately shut off access to its network and engaged specialized third-party forensic and technical experts to assist in responding to the incident. I. CADILLAC, MI 49601 Phone: 231. While many court cases Nebraska has one county court and one district court in each county. Wexford County Probate Court in Cadillac, Michigan. MPA Courthouse is a different program used on computers that the public can use at the courthouse to view case information. By Mail: Provide name and form to be completed by Clerk’s Office Include a self address stamped envelope for return of results Indicate years to be In the small claims division of the district court and the maximum you can collect through a judgment in small claims court is $5,500. Please choose your search criteria on the left menu. Access forms for e-filing, restraining orders, and small claims easily. Nov 6, 2024 · Find Guilford County administrative schedules and calendars. School Districts; Colleges / Universities; Court Records Research. The judicial branch provides statewide searches for case information across all the trial courts in the state. 437 E. Criminal Court Records Search. Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. Self-Help Center - Room S116 at the El Paso County Judicial Building Image of Colorado Supreme Court courtroom, by Jeffrey Beall, is licensed under CC 3. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Wexford County info. Welcome to the Arkansas Judiciary Sep 13, 2024 · Please see QR code for trial livestream - select Boulder County, Courtroom G. 109(A), “court records” in Wexford County encompass all recorded information created by or filed with the 28th Circuit Court, the 84th District Court, or the Wexford County Probate Court. Phone Access to Court Records Jun 30, 2023 · Courts Newsletter. Most cases created before 1999 are maintained in paper format only. 1. Local Civil Courts ONLY Enter at least the index number and year to find results, or select case type and court type for an exact match. . Election Information. Jan 12, 2021 · Access court records for Wexford County Circuit Court, MI. Circuit Court cases may be searched by name or case number. 0 mile away Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. us. The District Court is a limited jurisdiction court. Supreme and Appellate Court Case Look-up This court also has a Family Division that is responsible for hearing juvenile delinquency, divorce, name changes, and paternity cases. 22, 2025. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. M. 28, March 7 and March 10. 14-3-15. Please be advised that due to unforeseen circumstances all non-urgent cases before Wexford District Court today, Thursday 24th March, 2022, stand adjourned to Monday 28th March, 2022. Wexford and Missaukee counties are served by the 84th District Court, which has two Judges. , Cadillac, MI. THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2022 8:30 am 20004284-DD JOHN GLENN BRADEN II FIORVENTO Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. Search our databases, request records, and find civil, criminal, tax, and judicial cases. Find Local Rules and Forms that provide procedures and guidelines for courts in Guilford County. DIVISION ST. Family Court Docket (Note: this docket is posted at the Probate Court Office. There are three trial courts in Michigan: circuit, district, and probate. We also accept payment at the District Court Office by cash, check, or money order. michigan. These records contain information on case filings, litigants' names, hearing dates, evidence, court orders, transcripts, and appeals. Wexford County District Court: 437 E Division St, Cadillac, MI 49601, Phone: (231) 779-9515; Lookup Court Records in Wexford County, Michigan. Public members can request to view or get copies of Wexford County criminal records in-person at: 4 days ago · 84th District Court - Wexford is located in Wexford county in Michigan. & Use of this site for any purpose other than viewing individual electronic court records, or attempts to download multiple records per transaction, are strictly prohibited. , to the Wexford County Human Resources Office, 437 E. L. Division St. Please refer to: Protecting Personal Identifying Information (courts. Not all scheduled dates will be used for jury trials as some jury cases may be settled or postponed. Of that total, 78% of those proceedings were delinquencies which equaled 100 court cases. The Clerk of the Case participants will find the most accurate information about how their court hearings will take place on their hearing notices. About Cadillac Circuit Court. 9114. The Probate Court administers trusts and estates, handles wills, and appoints conservators and guardians for minors and incapacitated persons. The Circuit Court section of the Clerk's Office handles the filing of new civil, domestic, and criminal cases and maintains all of the existing case files for the 16th Judicial Circuit Court. 2. GIS Information / Interactive GIS Maps Mar 6, 2025 · The 28th District Court now uses On Base Civil Electronic Filing Below is a directory of court locations in Wexford County. For Superior Court, State Court, Magistrate Court, and Probate Court Estate cases, click on Tyler Odyssey Portal. Search for attorneys using either name or bar number with this application. Questions about S. com Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm WELCOME TO THE WEBSITE FOR THE WEXFORD/MISSAUKEE FRIEND OF THE COURT court records: Wexford County Court Dockets | Michigan Judicial Records. The amount you intend to pay 84TH DISTRICT COURT PROBATION FOR THE COUNTIES OF WEXFORD AND MISSAUKEE. Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Contact. Out of state or international cases: Call extension 2009. Access paper case files from the court, where the case was filed, or at one of the Federal Records Centers (FRCs). Case Index Search: Case Index search is a list of all occurrences that have happened in the court concerning the case. You can search case information through the public access portal, but only records Find public court case information, written opinions, attorney discipline matters, and more. E. The court handles criminal misdemeanors, civil cases up to $25,000, traffic violations, civil infractions, landlord-tenant disputes, and small claims. If you need help finding your upcoming court date, please contact us during business hours, online through Live Chat or by phone at (253)798-7487. Nyman 7730 N. potocki, philip mathew 21- 1763-st -1 r 800 a m barnard, joseph raymond 20- 4260-sm -1 nop 900 a m anstine, leesa nicole 21- 3346-ot -1 nop 900 a m Felony and Civil Searches include a 10 year search period of the 28th Circuit Court Records. 00 or less, traffic violations, other civil infractions, landlord-tenant disputes, and small claims matters. All Muskegon County courts are located in the city of Muskegon A referee is not a judge, but performs some tasks on behalf of the judges who preside over the case–Judge Edward Van Alst in Wexford County, Judge Ransom in Missaukee County. Harris County District Clerk - Civil, Criminal, and Family Justice of the Peace Records Harris County Justice of the Peace - Civil and Criminal (All 16 Justice Courts) District Court Probation. For the first time ever, MCRO provides online access to many public district court documents. If you have any questions in regards to the court schedule, please call 231-779-9510. Wexford County Probate Court. , Cadillac, MI 49601 (231) 779-9225 (Phone) (231) 779-9114 (Fax) Under Michigan Court Rule (MCR) 1. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that users search the name first in the Case Inquiry System in order to obtain a specific case number prior to accessing the Court Schedule. Use our links to request records, find child support warrants, or get jury duty details. Trent Taylor, Wexford Sheriff Will Yancer, Missaukee Sheriff Jason Elmore, Circuit Court Judge Adam Ottjepka, Chief of City Police Rep. Circuit Courts are trial courts that handle civil cases seeking damages of more than $25,000; all felony criminal matters; personal protection order matters; and all family matters. The Wexford County 84th District Court is responsible for ensuring public access to all documented criminal court cases. 00, traffic violations, other civil infractions, landlord-tenant disputes, and small claims matters.
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