Mudblazor icons list May 13, 2024 · You signed in with another tab or window. g. Nested List. MudListSubheader Component - MudBlazor MudBlazor is easy to use and extend, especially for . Sorting. By default values are shown both on the cell and as a tooltip to the cell based on the ChartSeries data you supplied. Cards can contain actions, text, or media like images or graphics. E public string Check { ge Blazor Component Library based on Material Design. The basic HeatMap Chart will take from 1 to 5 colors and create a heat map based on the ChartSeries data you provide. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Official Material Icon & Symbols pack for MudBlazor. MudTabs" /> or <see cref="T:MudBlazor. All the icons I wanted to use were in Icons. The same breakpoint classes apply from the bottom up. FontIcons. Multiple) allows sorting on more than one column (Hold Ctrl-Key) while clicking on a header column to extend the sort operation to another column. You can use the Title attribute to improve accessibility with screen readers and show a tooltip on hover. See the full list of all icons that comes preloaded here: MudBlazor Icons. To add an icon, use the Icon property of the MudListItem component and provide the name of the desired icon. Blazor Component Library based on Material Design. For T, use either IBrowserFile for a single file or IReadOnlyList<IBrowserFile> for multiple files. A badge is a useful way to wrap or overlay an action button or icon with a simple notification, making it easy to emphasize things like the number of notifications received. Filled. Bootstrap offer their own icon library. The authors are mentioned for each icon in the comments (documentation). To create a nested list with multiple levels of nesting use the < NestedList > render fragment of the < MudListItem >. md at master · MudBlazor/MudBlazor. May 29, 2024 · To use an icon in your MudBlazor component, you can use the <MudIcon> component and specify the icon using the Icon parameter. MIT license Activity. Icons Size. Outlined, so I'm just saving the icon name "Person", "Dashboard", etc. The default (SortMode. io. cs). MudCard Component - MudBlazor Represents a block of content which can include a header, image, content, and actions. Display Values. For available icons, go to Icons. For more details on how to use the Material Icons in your MudBlazor project, please refer to the Material Icons Usage Guide. MudBlazor custom icons. <MudTabPanel BadgeIcon="@Icons. MudAlert Component - MudBlazor Represents an alert used to display an important message which is statically embedded in the page content. The MudBlazor UI Kit: Blazor Component Library is an unofficial Figma resource tailored for designers building modern web applications with the MudBlazor component library. Display an element based on the current viewport. Readme License. razor. ; Square: Makes the chat bubbles square. MudNavMenu Component - MudBlazor A list of navigation links with support for groups. MudRadio<T> Component - MudBlazor An option from a set of mutually exclusive options, often as part of a <see cref="T:MudBlazor. MudDynamicTabs" /> component. (Along with Path and Caption) to load at runtime. This package provides all icons as path data (svg) from Material Design Icons. Chat"></MudIcon> This will render an icon representing a chat, using the Material Icons Outlined style. Normal. Additional Chat Bubble Options. 3 stars. Over 1800 Material Design icons and a few custom ones. For example: <MudIcon Icon="@MudBlazor. MudSelect`1" /> component. json is read in so that we have the names of the SVG files and the authors. MudSelect<T> Component - MudBlazor A component for choosing an item from a list of options. Each MudDropZone has a unique settable Identifier that is used to determine what item should be placed in what dropzone. MaterialDesignIcons. Size can be directly set on the image with the Width and Height property, it can also be useful to set this even if you want a responsive image, setting them will make the image take up set space even before they are loaded which can be useful if your pictures takes long time to load. Outline. Welcome to the MudBlazor Icons repository. Palette - MudBlazor The palette is the colors the theme uses for all the components and main layout. Feb 12, 2022 · Hi Kind of new to blazor Is it possible to use a mix of MudBlazor Icons and another provider I. MaterialDesignIcons Add the following using statement in _Imports. d-md-none will only apply to md and up. E the google one? How do you generate a class with all the icon Paths? I. Dense: Reduces the vertical margins of the chat bubbles. Stars. For example: Demystifying custom icons in MudBlazor Topics. For example, use order-md-2 to apply the order-2 utility at only medium screen sizes and above. To use an icon in your MudBlazor component, you can use the <MudIcon> component and specify the icon using the Icon parameter. NET devs because it uses almost no Javascript. The <MudDataGrid> allows you to either disable sorting entirely, sort by single column or by multiple columns via the SortMode property. The font size is dynamically generated to be 2 smaller than the largest that would fit or 8 whichever is greater. For example: < MudIcon Icon =" @MudBlazor. Card Represents a block of content which can include a header, image, content, and actions. Reload to refresh your session. Using Aliases Blazor Component Library based on Material Design. Mar 26, 2024 · MudBlazor provides a powerful set of components for configuring list items, allowing you to customize their appearance and behavior to meet your specific needs. Outlined. This project provides icon packs for MudBlazor, leveraging Google's Material Icons and Material Symbols. MudMenu Component - MudBlazor An interactive menu that displays a list of options. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. MaterialIcons. MudTabPanel Component - MudBlazor A tab as part of a <see cref="T:MudBlazor. For example, icons come with the MudBlazor component library. That means . To initialize the expansion state of a nested list set the Expanded parameter. MudTable`1" />. The text for this option can be customized by the SelectAllText parameter. MudMenuItem Component - MudBlazor A choice displayed as part of a list within a <see cref="T:MudBlazor. MudList`1" /> component. MudSkeleton" /> component. Badge Represents an overlay added to an icon or button to add information such as a number of new items. MudListSubheader Component - MudBlazor Feb 1, 2024 · There are quite a few icon libraries available. I added ligature codes on the "Generate Font" step. In this section, we’ll check these out by seeing how to add icons, text, and additional components to enhance your list view in Blazor. Installation. Check Box - MudBlazor Represents a form input for boolean values or selecting multiple items in a list. Breakpoints. Provide the MudDropContainer with a selector function (Func<T, string, bool>) for the property ItemSelector to place the items correctly. Material. MudBadge Component - MudBlazor Represents an overlay added to an icon or button to add information such as a number of new items. You can use the utility class to target media queries like responsive breakpoints. MudIconButton Component - MudBlazor Represents a button consisting of an icon. Jun 30, 2021 · Here is how I did it: I created my own icon font with icomoon. MudCheckBox<T> Component - MudBlazor Represents a form input for boolean values or selecting multiple items in a list. Just install the NuGet package. Animation Enumeration - MudBlazor Indicates the type of animation used for a <see cref="T:MudBlazor. Database " > </ MudIcon > MudBlazor is easy to use and extend, especially for . MudBlazor. API Index - MudBlazor A list of all MudBlazor components and related types. MudBlazor is easy to use and extend, especially for . Star"> </Mu MudBlazor is easy to use and extend, especially for . d-none applies to all breakpoints, but . File Upload A form component for uploading one or more files. Drop Item Selector. The MudIcon component shows the specified icon with the chosen style. MudTablePager Component - MudBlazor A component which changes pages and page size for a <see cref="T:MudBlazor. blazor blazor-server blazor-webassembly mudblazor Resources. Custom icons are passed as an SVG string. MaterialSymbols. - MudBlazor. MudAvatar Component - MudBlazor Represents a component which displays circular user profile pictures, icons or text. MudRadioGroup`1" />. This kit includes a collection of customizable components such as buttons, cards, and forms, all adhering to Material Design principles. MudToggleIconButton Component - MudBlazor Represents a button consisting of an icon that can be toggled between two distinct states. For example: This will render an icon representing a chat, using the Material Icons Outlined style. MudSelectItem<T> Component - MudBlazor A selectable option displayed within a <see cref="T:MudBlazor. Looking for icons? Dec 17, 2021 · Old question, but I was also trying to save/load menu icons from the database, and wound up using reflection like the sample below. MudTable`1" /> but with basic styling features. Basic HeatMap. The nested lists inherit all settings of the top-level list. Colors will be interpolated if more than 1. MudMenu" /> component. You signed out in another tab or window. Select All. MudSimpleTable Component - MudBlazor A table similar to <see cref="T:MudBlazor. The meta. Is there a way to show an icon in the Badge instead of the dot? What I want to accomplish is similar to a MudBadge but within MudTabPanel. MudListItem<T> Component - MudBlazor An item within a <see cref="T:MudBlazor. dotnet add package Bromix. You can also bind it to control the sub-list expansion state. MudList<T> Component - MudBlazor A scrollable list for displaying text, avatars, and icons. MaterialDesignIcons for MudBlazor. . Visibility. Toggle Icon Button Represents a button consisting of an icon that can be toggled between two distinct states. MudBlazor offers a wide range of icons that you can easily integrate into your list items. For more details on how to MudBlazor is easy to use and extend, especially for . A toggleable implementation of MudIconButton where you can use its familiar API to define two different states which you can toggle between. MudChat can be customized with the following properties: . cs and MaterialDesignIcons. Alert - MudBlazor Represents an alert used to display an important message which is statically embedded in the page content. For example: Basic HeatMap. Icons/README. For each icon variant we create a separate partial class (e. Mar 20, 2024 · Adding Icons to MudBlazor List Items. The icons are divided into Normal and Outline variants. MudLink Component - MudBlazor MudBlazor is easy to use and extend, especially for . To create a file upload button, two elements are needed: an activator (using the ActivatorContent parameter) and an input. Dec 8, 2024 · MudBlazor Icons Welcome to the MudBlazor Icons repository. You can upload your SVG images on the "Selection" step. If you set SelectAll="true", you can display a 'Select all' option to select or deselect all items. Blazor Component Library based on Material Design principles with an emphasis on ease of use and extensibility - MudBlazor/MudBlazor Blazor Component Library based on Material Design. It is added at the top of the list of items.
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