Fictional characters who are 21 years old girl reddit.
Fucking Dumbledore dude.
Fictional characters who are 21 years old girl reddit Take Kurt Vonnegut, Mark Twain, JRR Tolkien, Dr. I don't really have a crush on her anymore. 1K comments. the roles are reversed Ellie is in Some people find age gaps in romance gross. The central character Lisbeth Salander is the most interesting fictional character I think I have ever read. " I've seen other equally garbage takes, such as Loki being "female-coded" or Tony Stark being "Italian bisexual-coded" as if that's even a fucking thing. There's a scene early on where Bojack asks her what she thinks about Sarah Lynn and she starts off saying that she doesn't think much about her but then goes on a monologue about the male gaze, and reclaiming sexuality, and misogyny before concluding with 'but like I said I don't think about her much' The Tower of London is a good example of a castle with zero bells and whistles. He's the most likeable to me bc it feels like im looking at myself in a mirror. Yuki from Fruits Basket. It’s totally possible to manifest a fictional character. I'm kind of fascinated by the idea of naming children after fictional characters - when it's a good idea, when it's a bad idea. I take a necessary medication that makes me tired and dumb all the time, so I constantly have friends and colleagues pissed off at me and asking if I'm on drugs, when I'm not. Fictional crushes are normal. Especially from Fruits Basket, where the characters have deep look into each of their feelings and experiences. r/teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers. Same here! He was my first celebrity/fictional crush back when I was a precocious 13-year-old (I also really admired Laura, for her cleverness and tenacity), followed by Richard Dean Anderson on MacGyver (ah, 80s TV) and other fictional men of the same type- kind, decent, intelligent, compassionate, pacifists and true gentlemen. I had one a few weeks back that took over my life for like 4 days. Again they were like, 15, and I was so envious that they were “so grown!” My name is Madie. You must be young, but you will understand what I am saying The argument that people just care too much about fictional characters and to shame them for it or call them names is awful. " I can't help but think that the female fictional characters I find attractive would not find the feeling mutual. It's a long fantasy story that's completely free to read online and it's complete. He’s 30, i’m 25. A large part of it started out as a ship war thing, to denigrate the other ship by calling it morally bad. Posted by u/tfenrgeh5m - 87 votes and 303 comments I started writing fan fiction when I was 12 years old, and doing so was a great way for me to make it through my teen years and the stresses of high school. Perfectly normal and respectable names even though the inspiration for those names is Oscar of Astora and Anri of Astora from Dark Souls. When I was younger the crush was a lil bit more serious lol, but On that note, I'll guarantee you that the 20 year old version of yourself is really, really hoping right now that you fake it until you make it, because he doesn't want to have the reputation as the guy who was so insecure that he was jealous of a fictional character. This quirkiness is usually played as a silly little gag or most times for cuteness/endearment and largely benefits them in long run. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. i remember being 9 or 10 and having a comic book version of Aladdin. Roose is the sort of iced bastard to wait years after your insult, invite you around for dinner, and before you eat anything 'show you the castle'. That's what the character was designed for. im currently playing pokemon fire red, and the male character im playing as makes me feel so much gender envy rn, which is why im making this post. Probably because the 50-year-old has enough life experience to not be victimized or manipulated. Any tips are appreciated, thanks. How we'll be dissatisfied with something that's happening in our real lives, and then our brains will get emotional when seeing something in fictional universes that could have fit perfectly as a better scenario for what's really happening, like for your hard As a 31 year old now, I tell my boyfriend (yes same one) that he can watch porn I don’t care, self love is self care. Same character, 40 years later in-universe. I am wanting to become a licensed professional counselor! For my Diagnosis and Treatment Planning course, I am doing a presentation poster on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and need to include a fictional client example. Join our Discord! https://discord. Yep - my hyper-fixations are pretty much always on fictional characters. Characters who are playful, expressive, spontaneous, unpredictable, impulsive, mischievous, nihilistic, not adhere to codes and do things according to the whims and This is a place to ask questions that are sincere attempts to find factual answers or to seek advice. Obviously not the "lecherous drunkard who couldn't give a rat's arse" persona you so often held out; not the "storyteller full of mischief" who encouraged a young boy to steal food from Polgara's kitchen; not even the great sorcerer of power And she's not a fictional character but she's several years older than me. Literally all I did was watch clips of the character, read fanfiction and immersive daydream. I don't see this as fiction influencing reality because that age gap at that age would likely be shamed in real life. Behind the happy go lucky camp counsellor facade is a very dry and snarky woman, but she 100% means well and looks out for the camp kids. 338 votes, 1. Marvel, Powergirl, Supergirl, Batgirl, Teela, Isis. Spoilers ahead, but Invincible is to comics as Madoka Magika is to magical girls – a subversion. The lord of the ring: Aragorn or Eomer Stargate: Daniel Jackson, Teal'c, Jack O'Neill, Carson Beckett Harry Potter: Remus Lupin Jane austen: Col. I do not have a crush on 14-year-old her. No bullshit with zits or girls or boners in math class. She is cold, hungry and alone trying to sell matches no one wants to buy. Oh my god, that sounds both so sweet and so heartbreaking. I've always been fascinated with watching things with characters my own age. It’s obvious that you care about the fictional characters too otherwise why would you care about representation. He defeats Superman using entirely psychological means and when the reveal of his final move comes it actually seems intelligent instead of us just being told its intelligent like in most media. An 18-year-old girl is more vulnerable. He's a manipulative jerk who puts a little child in danger pretty consistently over the course of 7 long novels (even posthumously,) beginning from the time Harry Potter was a baby when he left him in an abusive household, in a household he /knew/ would be abusive, and forced him to stay there for seventeen goddamned years, to the very end of his life where he sent a Idk if it counts as fictional since it isn't a character per se, it's a song's name, but listening to and reading the lyrics gives the vibe it's directed towards a woman/girl named Arlandria. Seuss, Socrates, and Agatha Cristie put them all in a blender (throw in a dash of Harry Potter) and you have Terry Pratchett's Discworld series (over 40 books in total). She has many more victims according to further investigation. (e. Han Solo, Gilbert Blythe from Anne of Green Gables, Indiana Jones, Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez from the Sandlot, Prince Caspian - The Chronicles of Narnia, Josh - Paul Ruud's character in Clueless, Mr. Whoever works on their wardrobes really gets the colours that make each character's complexions pop, along with capturing their character perfectly. Darcy (my mom started me young), Aragorn, Aladdin, Commander Riker from Star Trek, Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon, Peter Parker (Spiderman), Corey Matthews from Boy Meets World, Cyclops from X-men To be honest I have always made my characters 20 something or equivelent in the case of Elves and Dwarves. I say this as 21 year old black guy the basic mindset as to why age-up is dangerous is this: one is, essentially, looking at a child character, and deciding they want to see them in adult situations. So I'm completely okay with having a crush on her in her Commando days and completely okay with having a crush on her now. true. He's so sweet and nerdy anf beautiful. There is nothing wrong with people being upset with change especially with characters who are 50 years old. I'm mostly focused on how to distinguish a ten year old from a 6 year old or a 15 year old. Funny how it's always those years-old reddit posts that have people with the exact same feelings as you. Edit: He totally went down on me in a recent dream. I’m talking about actual underage characters but I personally find it a little disturbing when like the 1000 year old lolis are lewded since they tend to have the mentality of a six year old but i’d rather that be the case then lewding actual underaged characters. Really unusual but with a central moral code. Hello. Now, I don't have any any siblings and thanks to quarantine, I'm not exactly able to go out and watch some ten year olds (without getting arrested) so generally, I'd like some tips on how to write them. Also, I'm 38 years old. I love his personality and creativity too. They just really, really liked the character and it turned from "fangirling" to just. I've known someone with a "fictional crush" on a character since they were a kid. Terry Pratchett's Tiffany Aching tetralogy. It's pretty primitive, relatively small, and screams "medieval" all throughout (not knocking it though, it's coming up on 1000 years old). And some of the popular ships--especially amongst teenagers who often have a very black and white world view and think they (in their limited life experience) are Obviously Right, and inflamed by adult antis--used this argument so much that it spread, mutated, and now it's a puritan cult I know it sounds weird, but when I was a twelve-year-old girl being bullied, I wanted to be like you. Whether or not fictional character Bella Swan can consent is a pointless question. 355 books based on 176 votes: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris, Without MAlice by Amesbury Clarke, Water for Elephants by S Huh. The problem will be having dated a 35 year old and now dating a teenager. The older people get, the less of an issue it becomes. It's from a Foo Fighters' song called Arlandria (lolz) and previously mentioned in a song called Headwires by the same band. There will be a lot of differences. I feel that if I just stopped existing in reality, and became some side character on a Also, anime characters don't act their age. Big enough to ride anything at the amusement park. (The girl with the dragon tattoo etc). My current obsession is for Aram Mujtabai from Blacklist. Chronological age is not the only factor that matters. Even before I knew MBTI was a thing, I have always found some characters very relatable. I'm obsessed and only want the best for him. In my middle school (way back in 1981), there was a boy and girl who were sort of popular, and were both about 13 years old. I remember wanting to be Princess Leia, Wonder Woman, Charlie’s Angels, the women in the soaps my mother watched, the girls on Facts of Life, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Ms. 1, 1941, Asimov, then a 21-year-old writer and graduate student at Columbia University, was riding the subway in New I would love to have a best friend like Troy and make pillow fortresses or play paintball with. Books with 19 year old protagonist I've read a few YA books and all the characters fall into a certain age range, 15- 17, despite the fact that the age range for a "young adult" includes ages in the early 20s. Mine: (characters that made me either fall in love with a name, or made me aware of a name) Eowyn (LOTR) Audrey (Twin Peaks) Lena (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants) Luna (Harry Potter) Fleur (Harry Potter) Rory (Gilmore Girls) Winnie (Wonder Years) Jo (Little Women - I'd probably go with Johanna though). Even a ten year old or eleven year old would have sounded better. One of the most notable examples is even on Wikipedia where the writers of Hellblazer all met John Constantine in real life, even though he's a comic book character. The main character chick from mean girls 2, I genuinely don’t remember her characters name. You're not a child when you're 13; you're an adolescent and a teenager. You are allowed to like what you like and crushes, even on fictional characters, even if you were in a relationship are completely natural. I saw myself in nearly all of Yuki's. Our subreddit is primarily for discussions and memes that an average teenager would enjoy to discuss about. I'm in your corner, buddy. Comparing Rule34 art of said characters (or ant fictional characters) to CSEM (Child Sexual Exploitative Material)/CP (child pornography) is so Right now it is a character named Sweeny from the movie Role Models, played by Jane Lynch. They should have hired a kid to do a kid voice. Btw accusing people of pedophilia means fuck-nothing anymore when shipping a 16 year old character with a 18 year old character can get someone accused of "pedophilia. They chose voice actresses to do a toddler's voice but instead of sounding like a little kid, they came across like a spoiled valley girl having a temper tantrum. I’m sure what’s weirdest to you is dating a teenager even though that’s an appropriate thing based on your ages. It's the place guys all want to get back to. I mentioned this in an earlier thread on the topic of naming your kids after fictional characters but this is why if I ever have sons my first choice for names would be Henry and Oscar. 45M subscribers in the AskReddit community. He's a bit like me, introverted and usually a loner, so I feel like he wouldn't be clingy if he were real, and we were actually in a relationship (I rea Anecdotal: I had a crush on many fictional characters [though towards the end of those years it was just one character who I thought was amazing] for most of my teenage years and by the end of my first year in college it faded away — I’m still fond of the character but they’re not super important to me anymore. ๐ I'm trying to understand her better and know what is considered healthy vs worrisome behavior. Anything is fine really. Lolis? Lolis tend to be young children but they can also be characters with childish appearances. But they're so far out of my league that I'm looking at the stars. I'm 30 years old FGS. Like an 60-year-old man dating a 50-year-old woman is not going to bug anybody. And that's even when Caillou is saying regular sentences. Next thing you know your skin is drying on a rack next to you while he plays jump rope with your intestines. Though who knows maybe one of these days I will make an 67 Year old farmer who said "fuck it, I am going to spend the rest of my life being a motherfucking Wizard. Come here to talk about fictional characters, fictional events, concepts, objects, etc. About two months ago, I started watching this TV show I wanted to watch for years, and I fell for this one character. sounds like a personal problem… why would you take that out on me. Literally happens all the time. All the characters are 25+ and act like 13 year olds. She was ridiculously sexualized in a cast of silly cartoon characters. the last of us came out at a time when I was in a dark place and then I played this game and I saw a girl younger then me who the most important person to ever live, have such determination and a will yet still being the most relatable character I've ever seen, for 7 years she was my favourite then part II. I found a post on this sub from a year ago with the same subject but I want an updated list. Your mother stops trying to dress you. Some don't. FMC is a widowed mother of like an 8 year old and MMC is definitely over 30 so I'd be surprised if she's not that age. Lists Reviews Images Update feed. My daughter's kindergarten teacher was reading this book to them in school this year. Sailor Moon and likening them more to college-age girls than young teens. Claiming shipping two 13-year-olds is pedophilia is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure A Civil Campaign, which is about the son of the Shards characters, also counts. Fucking Dumbledore dude. Since being diagnosed, I see BPD everywhere. Posted by u/Stevenpiercedj - 14 votes and 54 comments Anime and manga also have a tendency to draw characters looking older than they really are. Creators in video games have made characters with emotion to how they adapt to situations, and they look absolutely real! If you didn’t know it was a fictional character, could you tell the difference? Probably not unless you looked with a microscope. One of my most relatable characters is the main character from watamote. came here to post this. Reply reply More replies PeanutNo7337 But fictional characters? No, I don't think it's creepy or problematic for your 26 year old friend to have a crush on a 19 year old fictional character. More so than other characters. People who freak out about the ages of fictional characters are tiring. when i was 12 i felt so good playing pokemon games as the male character, unlike how i played as the female character before, and i didnt know why. It seems like it kinda fell off the schedule before the end of the book, though. You never should have dated a 35 year old at what must have been teenage-21 based on what you’ve written. I’ve played all games and always had a big crush on Leon, the fictional character. TL;DR: Trying to argue that it's okay to sexualize a character who looks like a child because they're hundreds of years old doesn't work when the characters are still written like they're children. He's so beautiful and handsome, his eyes are like the ocean, and I could swim in them. She could be a double D cup Emma Watson, or a fictional character (she could turn into Asami Sato, for example) or even a man, if you want to experiment! Fictional Characters > 21 years old Fictional Characters. Exactly. Robot’s heel turn is similar to Watchmen’s Ozymandias where it’s “kill millions to save billions”, but while Ozy’s efforts was thwarted once 518 votes, 1. It’s like I kind of want to live there lives almost, and I start buying stuff to even kind of resemble the universe they live, I know it’s weird and I know it is. " In my sophomore year of high school, I started noticing more of the moral dilemma aspects in the series, and realized that a lot of my anger-related character flaws probably weren't that cool. Another aroace here, who has sex dreams about fictional characters about once every 5 years making me question the aroaceness. Like tell me that jotaro in part 3 acts like 17 year old or nearly every single character in high school anime and also Yoko from gurren lagann at the beginning is supposed to be like 13/14 which doesn't make any sense since she doesn't look like 13/14, and she doesn't act like this, Simon is supposed to be this age too, and the difference is pretty r/fictionalcharacters: A subreddit where anyone can discuss about their favorite characters from movies, TV Shows, video games, books, and other… Alyssa Zinger (22 years old) posed as a 14-year-old homeschooled student on social media and raped a minor 30 times. Not to mention all off the crazy or otherwise impossible things she could do for fans. Usually they're around hobbies (painting, drawing, craft type things) or business ideas. That's almost for sure the best answer. It's always been: "Yeah, they're hot. Brandon or Mr Darcy PS: I once watched an anime, the title translates to third grader syndrome or something along the lines, that is about a boy that used to pretend he was a flame wizard, and a girl that still is pretending she is some kind of magical, and he tries to leave his old image behind but gets dragged back into it by her. Throwaway account. It’s just like manifesting anyone else! You’re obsessed, that’s what the problem is ๐ I’d like to help you :) tell me what you’ve already tried in your journey to manifest whoever character 21 votes, 44 comments. I don't wanna be 15 still attracted to them, and then have it carry over to being 16, cause that's creepy. She lights the only remaining ones she has left to keep warm and dreams of being in a warm room with a family eating a delicious meal but then the match goes out and she wakes up to the reality that she’s alone on the cold streets. I've found fictional characters attractive, but never crushed on them. I really want to know if i’m the asshole here. Finding them a fond memory childhood that they also still find attractive and like seeing artwork of. You can tell the pedophile defenders because they try to use that excuse. On top of saving the world, they're worrying about grades and crushes and their friend circle, that's their whole character. Categories. The ultimate example of this is JoJo, where 15-year-old boys look like 40-year-old men, but I could also see someone looking at e. Characters who are serious, calculating, systematic, disciplined, adhere to codes what they believe, value social status and value some sort of authority would leaning lawful side. Also the Chris from "Everybody hates chris". The little matchstick girl. , although great, aren't personally relatable for me yet. This is really embarrassing. If it was Futaba, then yeah I'd raise my eyebrows. From the halls of Hogwarts to the plains of Rohan. " Games, and animation in general has come so far and it’s such a vast area to explore. "Oh it's just a drawing of a 13 year old girl that I'm sexually excited about" These people are perverts but luckily for society most of the people watching little girls in animes for sexual excitement aren't the kind of people who can physically get out of their chair to leave the house. g. 925K subscribers in the SubredditDrama community. The place where people can come and talk about reddit fights and other… Mary Kate and Ashley’s characters from their movie where they go to Paris. i went through the whole thing with a black pen and made her cleavage look bigger by drawing a longer black line in between every pair of her breasts in that book. They'd been dating for a year. This set me thinking, what are people favourite fictional characters? I've been dating this girl for a while now and recently she started talking about how she loves a fictional character from watchdog's called wrench, but um she constantly talks about how much she loves him how much she wants to have sex with him, whenever I confront her about it she just says "you shouldn't be jealous he's just a fictional character," am I wrong for getting jealous? as a kid i wanted to be ash ketchum so badly but not just in a pokemon trainer way. Here are some fictional characters who imho show symptoms of BPD (SPOILER WARNING: if you haven't seen all of these shows I do reference specific events to get my point across): I have just finished reading Stieg Larsons Millennium trilogy. She could do personalized pics for a steep price and change her appearance to the fans preference. She has currently walked out of jail with only a $7,500 bond. I am turning 21 at the end of this month, and I am proud to say that my imagination can take me anywhere I want to go. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. Explore. Recently diagnosed with ADHD, I've obviously hyper focused on things thousands of times over my lifetime. It’s a maturity thing. ) Also surprised no one has mentioned Jessica Day (Zooey Deschanel) from New Girl! I made 21×13 alignment chart template and I also filled it with a fictional characters from various series (Note : Anakin Skywalker before he become Darth Vader is Unruly Moral , T-800 in Terminator 1 is Absolute Wicked but T-800 in Terminator 2 is Absolute Righteous) The famous infj anime characters were named but may hv missed one. Even if you "age up" a 14 year old character like Rei Ayanami or Sailor Moon, you can't get around the fact that they're little girls who are still in junior high school. On Aug. Image The November 1945 cover of Astounding Science Fiction, featuring Asimov’s story “The Mule. I am a 22-year-old in my second year of grad school in counseling and mental health. The main character is an orphan girl growing up in a recently conquered kingdom who isn't happy with the way the world is and who is handed a knife and given an opportunity to do something about it. Recently there has been a huge influx of female characters that are defined by the same quirky and “adorkable” personality archetype. People who get so upset when someone simps/has the hots for a fictional character who is a teenager (but can be mistaken for an adult) are so chronically online. Always seems like the "sensible" go out and adventure age. Who happens to be a short anime girl. Quite unsurprisingly, when I searched up the MBTI personalities of these characters, every single one of them turned out to be an INFJ. I just remember she was played by Tess from camp rock I’ve seen people referred to Sam from a Cinderella story as a pic me but honestly not every not like other girls characters necessarily a pick me and I wouldn’t consider her one. For REAL bonus aged-FMC points, check out Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen. I would LOVE to have a room decked out like the Holodeck to play make-believe in. Universal Pictures/Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture Elsa's coronation follows her 21st birthday, aka her 'coming of It seems like he needs to watch gintama. Old enough for adults to stop wanting to know where you are every minute. I agree with others that it helps when the fictional character has a “normal” name so the reference isn’t obvious. Hm, I always identified with Alice, Dorothy, Red Ridding Hood, the little girls in children’s stories when I was a kid. ”CreditPenny Publications/Dell Magazines The historical moment that inspired Asimov has striking parallels to our own. She could literally be anyone. Lex Luthor from Red Son is pretty impressive. the I (17m)Over the years, specifically this last year in general, I’ve been noticing I’m getting jealous and or envious of some fictional characters that I read/watch/play. Mar 17, 2020 ยท Elsa from Frozen and Anastasia Steele from 50 Shades of Grey are both 21. The goal of /r/Movies is to provide an inclusive place for discussions and news about films with major releases. The 90s were basically full of "we are gonna give these kids some seriously confusing boners. Who is this? 21 year old anime characters including Filia Shiora, Hajime Shinoda, Obanai Iguro, Giyuu Tomioka, Sanemi Shinazugawa and many more. I kept forgetting to eat and I couldn’t sleep properly, it was exhausting. 2K comments. Whether or not teenage girl Bella Swan (who is real within the world of the story) can consent to a relationship with a 100-year-old vampire is an important question with real-world relevance and real-world implications. I’m a big fan of resident evil, like big big fan. A lot of characters from the comic series Invincible, particularly the character of Robot. We were inspired to name our baby girl Mabel while watching Gravity Falls — and it’s helped that the character reminds my husband of me in certain scenes (mainly with her pig). there is particularly a lot of age-up that is erotic, or specifically aged up to be shipped with an adult character, so that sentiment is more or less true in those cases. Dont think I've ever related to anyone as much as those two. My bf and I have been together for 3 years. 10 is the golden age of being a guy. April Ludgate, Rosa Diaz, Amy Santiago. Haha I've been a 9 year old girl too, but not everyone is alike. Any tips on how to get over a fictional crush you're ageing out of? I'm 14 and my I'm almost 15 in 2 months with a fictional crush on another 14 year old. I'm turning 21 this year and sadly I haven't been able to find that many series that I find relatable since I feel like I've outgrown teen/coming-of-age/high school shows and shows like Friends etc. They were like 15 years old and allowed to run around a foreign city alone where they hop on the back of a moped of other teen boys they just met. Comparing your situation to mine, this is kind of a fascinating concept. I wonder if avoiding crying like a blubbering baby in front of 23 6-year-olds is why it fell off. I believe that fictional characters are real somewhere because there have been sightings of fictional characters throughout history. Those two characters made me work on myself a lot, and as a result, I started interacting with people more and became more of a human. And I even apologized for being immature about it later on. Don’t look at the surface, look at the root, you like fictional characters because you don’t like how people have done you in real life, and in fictional stuff, a good/bad character only has one side, but in reality, everybody is a villain and hero at the same time. Seriously. gg/E92zdkH Members Online Yuji might be the first mc in shonen history to not use the meta of his series (Jujutsu Kaisen) Because so many non-fictional men are. I think we've all learned recently that there are dangers (sorry, little Khaleesis), but on the other hand, I'm told the name "Jessica" was coined (from a Hebrew root) by Shakespeare for Merchant of Venice. Diane from Bojack Horseman. siyainjyuabedsmwzhfbygwuoaczsuhndwxsxkwhrelzbwbtupfrwbuwfthipitsgcocmyncsbnbzmacnbjz